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Event ID: 9053 Book: Arizpe Page Number: 159v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 08/04/1803 Event Place: Arizpe
En la parroquia de la capital de Arizpe a los cuatro días del mes de agosto de mil ochocientos tres, Yo, Don José Cayetano Salcido, Cura por Su Majestad, Vicario, y Juez Eclesiástico de este partido, bauticé solemnemente, exorcizé, y puse los santos oleos y crisma a un Indio de nación Apache, de limosna del Cirujano Comaduran, de edad de cinco años, a quien puse por nombre José Rafael. Fue su madrina María Teresa Nuñez, a quien advertí el parentesco espiritual y la obligación de enseñarle lo que convenga para ser buen cristiano, y para que conste lo firmé.
José Cayetano Salcido (rúbrica)

In the parish of this capital of Arizpe on the 4th day of the month of August of 1803, I, Don José Cayetano Salcido, Priest for His Majesty, Vicar, and Ecclesiastic Judge of this jurisdiction, solemnly baptized, exorcized, and anointed with holy oils and chrism, an Indian of the Apache nation, by virtue of the alms of the Surgeon Comaduran, who was five years of age and whom I gave the name José Rafael. His godmother was María Teresa Nuñez, whom I advised of the spiritual relationship and obligation to which she was agreeing to teach him to be a good Christain, which I certified by signing
José Cayetano Salcido (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 6778 Given Name: José Cayetano Surname: Salcido Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 8525 Given Name: Miguel Antonio Surname: Comaduran Relationship: Alms Giver
Personal ID: 24531 Given Name: María Teresa Surname: Nuñez Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 25242 Given Name: José Rafael Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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