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Event ID: 9154 Book: Pitiquito Page Number: 72v-73v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/24/1826 Event Place: Pitiquito
This event actually covers two days - June 24 and 25, 1826. While Padre Gonzales records 47 people baptized on the 25th, he seems to have forgotten the name of the 47th person.

183 - Juana, casada in la gentilidad, Papaga, murió
En veinte y cuatro de junio de mil ochocientos y veinte y seis, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzales, bauticé privadamente a una Papaga casada en la gentilidad, y la puse Juana.
Fray Faustino Gonzales (rúbrica)

184 - Jesús, de padres gentiles, Papago, murió
En dicho día, mes, y año bauticé solemnemente a un niño hijo de padres gentiles. Le puse Jesús, para que conste y que fue madrina Magdalena Galindo, India del pueblo. Lo firmé.
Fray Faustino Gonzales (rúbrica)

185 - Guadalupe, de padres gentiles, Papaga, murió
En el mismo día, mes, y año bauticé solemnemente una niña hija de padres gentiles, y fueron padrinos Lucio Parra y su mujer, Gertrudis Sevilla, vecinos de dicho pueblo. La puse Guadalupe.
Fray Faustino Gonzales (rúbrica)

186 - José Martín, casado en la gentilidad, Papago, murió
En veinte y cinco de junio de mil ochocientos y veinte y seis bauticé primeramente un Indio Papago casado en la gentilidad, y enfermo de sarampión, quien fue instruido del modo que permitió su enfermedad. Se le puso José martín. Para que conste.
Fray Faustino Gonzales (rúbrica)

Habiendo visto la disposición, y admirable voluntad de los Papagos gentiles para que sus hijos recibieran el bautismo en esta enfermedad del sarampión, y que lo mismo hacían los grandes, llamando a cualquiera hora del día y de la noche al Padre en Caborca donde estaban los mas de los Papagos, como por ver morir bastantes tomaron la determinación de irse para sus aguajes, y cerro de las pitayas, sabiendo que en este Pitic habían enfermado bastantes, vine a el la víspera de San Juan veinte y tres de junio de este de mil ochocientos y veinte y tres, y luego con buen interpra anduve sus chozas, y de lo que se les habló, y de la consideración que hicieron en haberme movido de Caborca, por solo procurar que no se murieran, y se perdieran sus almas, fui para alabar a Dios las señales que dieron de marca el bautismo, y viendo por sus razonamientos que habían entendido substancialmente cuanto es necesario, y Indios de toda edad que estaban sanos pero esperaban el sarampión, suspiraban por el bautismo, y buscaban sus hijitos, y que grandes, y chicos de rodillas se ponían, bauticé sobre los cuatro supra citada que murieron en los tres días que estuve allí, privadamente, y sobre su buena disposición, tanta a chicos como grandes, por ser probable que murieran los mas estando sin auxilio racional para tan peligrosa enfermedad, y comiendo pitayas, …, y cosas que por la natural les gustara la vida, y esto, y que a la disposición que hace años manifiestan para agregarse, es de gran aliviente verse ya bautizados, y muchos de los suyos, ya enterrados en estas iglesias, y por seguro se quedaran, todo o los mas, si el Señor dispone que el gobierno a las buenas disposiciones dadas para que auxilien los padres a fin de remedien los escándalos, y desordenes que han resultado de no observan estas justicias tan necesario mandato, y el celo de castigar hombres inconsiderados por no decir otra cosa que esparcen entre los Indios que los padres nada pueden ni tienen que hacer fuera de la iglesia, cuya lengua se nunca oído por estos Indios, que siempre han mirado a las misiones por sus padres, como expresiones acomodadas a una mala inclinación y que las escuchan con términos de que ya reina la libertad, la igualdad, que son vecinos y todo esto hace años, y cada día va a peor, tiene a los Indios sin respeto a los Padres, ni a sus justicias, iglesias, y como por desgracia el común de los vecinos nada es superior a los Indios en doctrina, y si en vicios, hijos de que el ejemplo de estos los contenía, los hace como ellos mas atrevido sin embargo surque deben aprovechar una ocasión que la mira dispuesta por el padre de las gracias, y bauticé los siguientes que mire por mejor ponerlos en este libro de bautizados y al margen se pondrán los que mueran o se quedan:
1. María Juana, casada
2. María Rafaela, casada hija de la primera
3. María Tomasa, casada
4. Juana, hija doncella
5. Juan de Dios
6. José Francisco Xavier
7. José Domingo
8. Juana Cruz, todos de pocos años
9. Juan José, de quince años
10. María Quiteria
11. María Magdalena, muchacha grande
12. Dolores
13. María Carmen
14. Juana María
15. Juan Cristóbal
16. María Josefa
17. José Antonio, de once años
18. Faustino
19. José Rafael, de veinte años
20. María Concepción, casada
21. Agustín, de diez años
22. José Jesús
23. Ana María
24. María Teresa
25. María Encarnación
26. Dionisio
27. Encarnación
28. Juan Bautista
29. José Francisco
30. José Alberto
31. Ana María
32. María Gertrudis
33. María Refugio
34. José Miguel, casado
35. María Antonia, mujer casada con el anterior
36. Joseh Gabriel, casado
37. Juan Ynacio, casado
38. José Jesús
39. José Miguel
40. María Dolores
41. Francisca María
42. María Soledad
43. María Candelaria
44. María Trinidad
45. María Estefana, ciega y casada
46. José Guadalupe
47. Son 47

183 - Juana, married in the land of the gentiles, Papago, died
On June 24, 1826, I, Friar Faustino Gonzales, privately baptized a female Papago who was married in the land of the gentiles and I gave her the name Juana.
Friar Faustino Gonzales (rubric)

184 - Jesús, of gentile parents, Papago, died
On the said day, month, and year I solemnly baptized a child, the son of gentile parents. I gave him the name Jesús, for which I certify and for whom the godmother was Magdalena Galindo, and Indian of the village. I signed.
Friar Faustino Gonzales (rubric)

185 - Guadalupe, of gentile parents, Papago, died
On the same day, month, and year I solemnly baptized a child, the daughter of gentile parents and her godparents were Lucio Parra and his wife, Gertrudis Sevilla, residents of the said village. I gave her the name Guadalupe.
Fray Faustino Gonzales (rubric)

186 - José Martín, married in the land of the gentiles, Papago, died
On June 25, 1826 I baptized first a Papago Indian who was married in the land of the gentiles and was sick with the measles. He was instructed in the best manner permitted by his illness. I gave him the name José Martín.
In certification, Friar Faustino Gonzales (rubric)
Having seen the disposition and the admirable will of the gentile Papagos to have their children receive baptism during this measles epidemic, and seeing that the same disease affects the adults who, at any time of the day or night, call upon the Father at Caborca, where most of the Papagos were coming to realize they would die, the majority having made the determination to go to their water holes and the hills of the saguaros, and knowing there were a lot of sick people in the village of Pitiquito, I came here in the evening of San Juan’s feast day, June 23rd of this year of 1826. Then, with a good interpreter I went to their huts and spoke with them about it. In consideration of what motivated me to move from Caborca, which was only to try to keep them from dying and losing their souls, I went to praise God for the signs they gave in indication of a desire for baptism, having seen by their reasonings that they had substantially understood all that is necessary. Indians of all ages who were healthy but expecting to catch the measles yearned for baptism for themselves and their little children, and both adults and children fell to their knees. I baptized the four mentioned above, who died in the three days that I was there, privately and according to their good disposition – the children as well as the adults – because it was probable that most of them would die while being without rational help for such a dangerous disease, and they were eating saguaro fruit, … , and things that are beneficial to life in their natural state. Because of this and the desire they had shown some years back to gather to the missions, it is a great relief to see them now baptized. With the good dispositions they have shown, it will help the Fathers in remedying the scandals and disorders that have resulted from not observing these laws that are so necessary to mandate, if the Lord will prepare the government to have the zeal to punish inconsiderate men so that they will not say anything else to spread among the Indians that none of the Fathers can do or have to do outside the church. The Indians have always seen the missions through the Fathers. These tongues, to which the Indians listen to the conclusion that liberty and equality reign, and that they are citizens – something that takes years – should never be heard by these Indians. And, it gets worse each day. The Indians have no respect for the Fathers, nor their rules, nor the churches. Then, unfortunately the common citizen is no greater than the Indians in doctrine, nor in vices, and they are the ones whose example the Indians follow, acting like the ones who are most daring. Nevertheless, the time will come when they will have to take advantage of the occasion when they are ready to look to the Father for grace. I baptized the following, whom I thought best to record in this book of baptisms, and then those who die or live can be recorded in the margins:

1. María Juana, married
2. María Rafaela, married daughter of the first
3. María Tomasa, married
4. Juana, young unmarried daughter
5. Juan de Dios
6. José Francisco Xavier
7. José Domingo
8. Juana Cruz, all of few years of age
9. Juan José, fifteen years of age
10. María Quiteria
11. María Magdalena, older girl
12. Dolores
13. María Carmen
14. Juana María
15. Juan Cristóbal
16. María Josefa
17. José Antonio, eleven years of age
18. Faustino
19. José Rafael, twenty years of age
20. María Concepción, married
21. Agustín, ten years of age
22. José Jesús
23. Ana María
24. María Teresa
25. María Encarnación
26. Dionisio
27. Encarnación
28. Juan Bautista
29. José Francisco
30. José Alberto
31. Ana María
32. María Gertrudis
33. María Refugio
34. José Miguel, married
35. María Antonia, woman married to the former person
36. Joseh Gabriel, married
37. Juan Ynacio, married
38. José Jesús
39. José Miguel
40. María Dolores
41. Francisca María
42. María Soledad
43. María Candelaria
44. María Trinidad
45. María Estefana, blind and married
46. José Guadalupe
47. There are 47
Event Relationship [55 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 25510 Given Name: Juana Surname: Relationship: Baptized / Deceased
Personal ID: 25511 Given Name: Jesús Surname: Relationship: Baptized / Deceased
Personal ID: 25512 Given Name: Magdalena Surname: Galindo Relationship: Godmother
Notes: She was the godmother of Jesús (Number 184) in this event.
Personal ID: 25513 Given Name: Guadalupe Surname: Relationship: Baptized / Deceased
Personal ID: 25514 Given Name: Lucio Surname: Parra Relationship: Godfather
Notes: He was the godfather for Guadalupe (Number 185) in this event.
Personal ID: 25515 Given Name: Gertrudis Surname: Sevilla Relationship: Godmother
Notes: She was the godmother for Guadalupe (Number 185) in this event.
Personal ID: 25516 Given Name: José Martín Surname: Relationship: Baptized / Deceased
Personal ID: 25517 Given Name: María Juana Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25518 Given Name: María Rafaela Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25519 Given Name: María Tomasa Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25520 Given Name: Juana Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25521 Given Name: Juan de Dios Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25522 Given Name: José Francisco Xavier Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25523 Given Name: José Domingo Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25524 Given Name: Juana Cruz Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25525 Given Name: Juan José Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25526 Given Name: María Quiteria Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25527 Given Name: María Magdalena Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25528 Given Name: Dolores Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25529 Given Name: María Carmen Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25530 Given Name: Juana María Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25531 Given Name: Juan Cristóbal Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25532 Given Name: María Josefa Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25533 Given Name: José Antonio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25534 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25535 Given Name: José Rafael Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25536 Given Name: María Concepción Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25537 Given Name: Agustín Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25538 Given Name: José Jesús Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25539 Given Name: Ana María Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25540 Given Name: María Teresa Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25541 Given Name: María Encarnación Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25542 Given Name: Dionisio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25543 Given Name: Encarnación Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25544 Given Name: Juan Bautista Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25545 Given Name: José Francisco Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25546 Given Name: José Alberto Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25547 Given Name: Ana María Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25548 Given Name: María Gertrudis Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25549 Given Name: María Refugio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25550 Given Name: José Miguel Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25551 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25552 Given Name: José Gabriel Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25553 Given Name: Juan Ignacio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25554 Given Name: José Jesús Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25555 Given Name: José Miguel Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25556 Given Name: María Dolores Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25557 Given Name: Francisca María Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25558 Given Name: María Soledad Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25559 Given Name: María Candelaria Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25560 Given Name: María Trinidad Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25561 Given Name: María Estefana Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25562 Given Name: José Guadalupe Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25563 Given Name: Unnamed Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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