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Event ID: 9192 Book: Tubutama Page Number: 44
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/24/1805 Event Place: Tubutama
Josef Gavino, Indio párvulo
En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos y cinco, día veinte y cuatro de febrero, Yo, Fray Josef Gomez,
Misionero Apostólico y interino por Su Majestad de esta misión de San Pedro y San Pablo de Tubutama, bauticé solemnemente a un niño de cuatro días de nacido, hijo de Rafaél Cordova, y de Laureana Gradillas, hijos del pueblo de Saric. Su padre es Indio Pima y su madre de razón (parece ser coyota). Pusele por nombre Josef Gavino. Fueron sus padrinos Josef María Leyva y su esposa, Manuela Mendivil, de razón., a quienes advertí el parentezco espiritual y demas obligaciones, y para que conste lo firmo en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fray Josef Gomez (rúbrica)

Josef Gavino, Indian infant
In the year of the Lord 1805 on the 24th day of February, I, Fray Josef Gomez, interim apostolic missionary for His Majesty at this Mission of San Pedro and San Pablo of Tubutama, solemnly baptized a child born four days previously, the son of Rafaél Cordova and Laureana Gradillas, children of the village of Saric. His father is a Pima Indian and his mother is of reason (she appears to be a coyote). I gave him the name Josef Gavino. His godparents were Josef María Leyva and his wife, Manuela Mendivil, of reason., whom I advised of their spiritual relationship and other obligations, and in certification of which I sign on the said day month and year as above.
Fraiar Josef Gomez (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 15442 Given Name: José Surname: Gomez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24937 Given Name: Manuela Surname: Mendivil Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 25667 Given Name: José María Surname: Leiva Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 25669 Given Name: Rafael Surname: Cordova Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 25670 Given Name: Laurena Surname: Gradillas Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 25671 Given Name: José Gavino Surname: Cordova Relationship: Baptized
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