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Event ID: 9217 Book: Átil Page Number: 35
Event: Baptism Event Date: 11/07/1774 Event Place: Átil
Partida 197
Juana, párvula
El día siete de noviembre del año de mil setecientos y setenta y cuatro, hallándome enfermo, pasé al Pueblo de Hoquitoa a ponerme en cura, y dejé encomendado este Pueblo del Átil al Padre Fray Felipe Guillen, Ministro de Tubutama, y en el mismo día fue llamado dicho Padre para confesar a la India, Michaela, mujer de Agustín, quien se hallaba de parto y habiendo parido, una niña fue bautizado por dicho Padre con bautismo de necesidad, y murió antes de ponerle los Santos Oleos; y habiendo participado todo lo expresado por escrito dicho Padre, para que conste lo pongo en esta partida, y lo firmé hoy, día 18 de diciembre del referido año de 1774. A la niña puso Juana, y sus padres son de la nación Pima.
Fray Antonio Ramos (rúbrica)

Entry 197
Juana, infant
On the 7th day of November of the year 1774, being sick, I went to the village of Oquitoa to be cured, and I left Father Frair Filpe Guillen, Minister of Tubutama, in charge of this village of Átil. On the same day the said father was called to confess the Indian, Michaela, wife of Agustín, who was in labor. After the birth a baby girl was baptized by the said Father with a baptism of necessity, but she died before he could anoint her with the Holy Oils. The said Father recorded all this in writing and in order to certify it I placed it in this entry and signed it today, the 18th of December of the said year of 1774. The child was given the name Juana, and her parents are of the Pima nation.
Friar Antonio Ramos (rubric)
Event Relationship [5 Records]

Personal ID: 5845 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Ramos Relationship: Recording Priest
Personal ID: 23100 Given Name: Felipe Surname: Guillen Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 25735 Given Name: Juana Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 25736 Given Name: Agustín Surname: Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 25737 Given Name: Micaela Surname: Relationship: Mother
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