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Event ID: 9258 Book: Pitiquito-D Page Number: NN
Event: Burial Event Date: 05/12/1800 Event Place: Pitiquito
Joseph Antonio, párvulo Pima de 3 años
En el año del Señor de mil y ochocientos día once de mayo, Joseph Antonio, párvulo de tres años, hijo de Cipriano Mendoza y de Guadalupe Encinas, hijos de esta misión de Pitic, volvió su alma a Dios ahogado en la acéquia de Caborca. Cuyo cuerpo lo llevaron sus padres a dicho pueblo y le dieron sepultura eclesiastica en el cementerio al día siguiente. Para que conste lo firmo dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Andres Sanchez (rúbrica)

Joseph Antonio, Pima child of 3 years
In the year of the Lord 1800 on the 11th day of May, Joseph Antonio, a child of three years, son of Cipriano Mendoza and Guadalupe Encinas, children of this Mission de Pitic, returned his soul to God drowned in the irrigation ditch of Caborca. His body was brought to the said vilgage by his parents and they gave it a church burial in the cemetery the next day. In witness of this I sign on the said day, month and year.
Fray Andres Sanchez (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24030 Given Name: Andrés Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 25768 Given Name: Cipriano Surname: Mendoza Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 25769 Given Name: Guadalupe Surname: Encinas Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 25911 Given Name: José Antonio Surname: Mendoza Relationship: Deceased
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