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Event ID: 9278 Book: Oquitoa-M1 Page Number: 10
Event: Marriage Event Date: 06/28/1772 Event Place: Oquitoa
Joseph Julian con María de los Dolores
Día veinte y ocho de junio de mil setecientos setenta y dos en esta iglesia de San Antonio de Oquitoa, corridas las diligencias y no haber resultado impedimento alguno, por ruego y comisión del Señor Don Joseph Miguel de Arenibar, asistí solemnemente al matrimonio que contrajeron por palabras de presente, Joseph Julian Mendibil, soldado del Presidio del Altar, y María Dolores Chamorro, vecina de dicho presidio, ambos solteros. Testigos fueron Don Nicolás Munguia y Joaquín, arriero del Señor Capitán, y lo firmé.
Fray Joseph Soler (rúbrica)

Joseph Julian and María de los Dolores
On the 28th of June, 1772, in this church of San Antonio de Oquitoa, the formallities having run their course with no resulting impediment, by request and commission of Señor Don Joseph Miguel de Arenibar, I solemnly performed the marriage contracted by the mutual agreement of Joseph Julian Mendibil, a soldier of the Presidio of Altar, and María Dolores Chamorro, a resident of the said presidio, both single people. Witnesses were Don Nicolás Munguia and Joaquín, mule packer of the Lord Captain (Bernardo de Urrea), and I signed.
Friar Joseph Soler (rubric)
Event Relationship [7 Records]

Personal ID: 471 Given Name: Bernardo de Surname: Urrea Relationship: Patrón del testigo
Personal ID: 3653 Given Name: Nicolás de Surname: Munguia Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 7293 Given Name: Miguel José de Surname: Arenibar Relationship: Authorizing Priest
Personal ID: 11070 Given Name: José Surname: Soler Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 25422 Given Name: María Dolores Surname: Chamorro Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 26150 Given Name: José Julian Surname: Mendibil Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 26151 Given Name: Joaquín Surname: Relationship: Witness
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