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Event ID: 9421 Book: Caborca Page Number: 286
Event: Marriage Event Date: 08/17/1806 Event Place: Caborca
Pedro Sanora con Buenaventura Gaona, Españoles. Velados.
En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos y seis, día diez y siete de Agosto, habiendo precedido las tres amonestaciones, que dispone el Santo Concilio Tridentino, y no resultando impedimento alguno, Yo, Fraile Santiago Usoategui, Presbítero Apostólico y Ministro de esta Misión de Caborca, pregunté a Pedro Sanora, soltero, hijo de Manuel Sanora y de María Loreta Almazán, vecinos de esta misión, y a Buenaventura Gaona, soltera, hija de Ygnacio Gaona, maestro albañil, y de Fermina Burques, al presente vecinos de esta misión, y habiendo dado su mutuo consentimiento por palabras de presente, que hacen verdadero matrimonio, los despose infacie ecclesiae. Fueron testigos, Esteban Valenzuela, José María Cornejo, y casi todo el pueblo. El mismo día recibieron las bendiciones nupciales. Para que conste, lo firmo dicho día, mes, y año.
Fraile Santiago Usoategui (rúbrica)

Pedro Sanora and Buenaventura Gaona, Spaniards. They were veiled.
In the year of the Lord 1806 on the 17th day of August, the three Banns having preceded as mandated by the Holy Council of Trent with no resulting impediment, I, Friar Santiago Usoategui, Apostolic priest and minister of this Mission of Caborca, asked Pedro Sanora, a single man, son of Manuel Sanora and María Loreta Almazán, residents of this mission, and Buenaventura Gaona, a single lady, daughter of Ygnacio Gaona, master brick layer, and Fermina Burques, presently residents of this mission, and having verbally given their mutual con consent for me to perform a true marriage, it was done in church ceremony. Godparents were Esteban Valenzuela, José María Cornejo, and nearly all of the village. They received their nuptial blessings the same day, in certification of which I sign on the said day, month, and years.
Friar Santiago Usoategui (rubric)
Event Relationship [9 Records]

Personal ID: 24047 Given Name: Santiago Surname: Usoategui Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24237 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Gaona Relationship: Father of the wife
Personal ID: 24238 Given Name: Fermina Surname: Burques Relationship: Mother of the wife
Personal ID: 24366 Given Name: José María Surname: Cornejo Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 26620 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Sanora Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 26621 Given Name: Buenaventura Surname: Gaona Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 26622 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Sanora Relationship: Father of the husband
Personal ID: 26623 Given Name: María Loreta Surname: Almazán Relationship: Mother of the husband
Personal ID: 26624 Given Name: Esteban Surname: Valenzuela Relationship: Witness
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