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Event ID: 9503 Book: Caborca Page Number: 12v
Event: Burial Event Date: 12/26/1801 Event Place: Caborca
Josefa del Castillo y su hijo José María
En el año de mil ochocientos y uno, día veinte y seis del mes de diciembre, Josefa del Castillo, casada con Juan Thomas Machuca, vecinos del Real de la Cieneguilla, volvio su alma a Dios, cuyo cuerpo le dí sepulture eclesiastica en el cementerio de esta mission, habiendo recibido los Santos Sacramentos; y también con ella se enterré un hijo de seis meses el que fue extraido de su vientre después de muera su madre, el que después de bautizado vivió como diez minutos. Para que conste lo firmo dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Andres Sanchez (rúbrica)

Josefa del Castillo and her son José María
In the year of 1801, on the 26th of December, Josefa del Castillo, who was married to Juan Thomas Machuca, residents of the Real of Cieneguilla, returned her soul to God. I provided a church burial for her body in the cemetery of this mission, she having received the Holy Sacraments. And, I also buried with her a son of six months who was extracted from her womb after the death of the mother. He lived ten minutes after he was baptized. In certification of this I sign on the said day, month and year.
Friar Andres Sanchez (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24030 Given Name: Andrés Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 26958 Given Name: Josefe del Surname: Castillo Relationship: Deceased
Personal ID: 26959 Given Name: José María Surname: Machuca Relationship: Deceased
Personal ID: 26960 Given Name: Juan Tomás Surname: Machuca Relationship: Fahter and Husband of the two deceased
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