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Event ID: 9611 Book: Pitiquito B2 Page Number: 23v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 03/18/1772 Event Place: Pitiquito
Notes: Isabel, adulta
En este Pueblo de San Diego del Pitiqui en el diex y ocho día del mes Marzo de mil set. setenta y dos años, yo, el infrascripto ministro, baptice solemnemente a Isabel, adulta de diez y siete años, poco mas o menos, hija legítima de Pablo Actimari [?] y de Engracia: fueron sus padrinos Juan y Rossa, todos indios de dicho Pueblo, a quienes advertí de su parentesco, y obligación, y para que conste, lo firme en dicho dia, mes, y año ut supra.//.
Fr. Juan Diaz [rubric] Isabel, adult
In this pueblo of San Diego de Pitiqui on the 18th day of month of March of 1772, I, the undersigned minister, solemnly baptized Isabel, an adult of more or less 17 years of age, legitimate daughter of Pablo Actimari [?] and of Engracia: the godparents were Juan and Rossa, oof of them Indians of said pueblo, whom I advised of their kinship, and obligation, and in witness thereof, I signed on said day, month, and year ut supra.
Fray Juan Diaz [rubric]
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 6914 Given Name: Juan Marcelo Surname: Diaz Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 27375 Given Name: Isabel Surname: Actimavi Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 27376 Given Name: Pablo Surname: Actimavi Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 27377 Given Name: Engracia Surname: Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 27378 Given Name: Juan Surname: Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 27379 Given Name: Rosa Surname: Relationship: Godmother
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