
(H)our History Lesson: Los Alamos County, New Mexico: Comparing and Connecting WWII Home Front Cities

Green map of the United States with arrows between Hanford, WA, Oak Ridge TN, and Los Alamos, NM.
A map showing the locations of The Manhattan Project and the flow of plutonium from Hanford, and uranium from Oak Ridge to Los Alamos to create the atomic bombs.

National Park Service.

About this Lesson

This lesson is part of a series teaching about the World War II home front, with Los Alamos County, New Mexico designated as an American World War II Heritage City. The lesson contains photographs, a reading, and primary sources, with an optional activity, to contribute to learners’ understandings of the area as a WWII Heritage City. It combines lesson themes from the three other lessons in the collection to summarize the city’s contributions and encourage connections to the overall U.S. home front efforts.
To see more lessons about World War II, visit Teaching with Historic Places.


In a culminating product:

  1. Identify important World War II home front location(s) in Los Alamos County, New Mexico, and describe their historical significance
  2. Summarize the contributions of Los Alamos County civilians and service members to home front wartime efforts
  3. Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts of the contributions of the Los Alamos laboratories and The Manhattan Project
  4. Optional: Describe similarities and differences of Los Alamos County, NM and other Heritage city(s) / World War II home front(s), particularly those involved with the Manhattan Project.

Materials for Students:

  1. Photos 1 - 4
  2. Readings 1, 2, 3
  3. Maps, project materials (as needed)
  4. Optional Activity: Virtual Field trips (links)
  5. Student graphic organizers (See photo 5 at end of lesson, for reference)

Getting Started: Essential Question

Why was Los Alamos chosen as an American World War II Heritage City, and what are its similarities and differences to other home front cities?

Quotation to consider:

“An anonymous young scientist at Los Alamos, New Mexico, has in more serious vein summed up the whole issue in a few words that pack an awful wallop:

‘The war just ended,’ he says, is the last victory.’

‘If it is not the last war, it is the next-to-last war.’

Think that one over.”

  • “Atom Bomb Has Been Deadly Subject Right from the Very Start” by Peter Edson, The Whittier News (Whittier, California); November 9, 1945, p. 5

Reading to Connect

The readings below can both be used with the reading comprehension questions and to help with the culminating project. 

Black and white photo of housing units with laundry hanging in the foreground
Photo 3: Example of housing area at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Student Activities:

Questions for Reading 1, Photos 1 & 2

  1. What was the main purpose of the Manhattan Project during World War II, and why was it considered a top-secret research project?
  2. How was the Los Alamos laboratory similar and different to Oak Ridge and Hanford?
  3. How did the Los Alamos National Laboratory contribute to the Manhattan Project's goal of creating atomic bombs, and what were the key scientific methods used to develop the bombs?

Questions for Reading 2, Photos 1 & 2

  1. What did the statement from the group of scientists at Los Alamos say about the possible outcome if atomic power is kept secret from other countries?
  2. How do the scientists explain why the United States is at risk because of its industrial centers when it comes to the use of atomic weapons by other countries?
  3. Assess the scientists' argument about having a worldwide authority controlling atomic power development. Consider the reasons they provide and the impact it might have on global stability, weighing both the benefits and challenges they mention in the statement.

Questions for Reading 3

  1. What was the purpose of the bill (H.R. 6118) according to the report?
  2. Why do you think Los Alamos, New Mexico was designated as a World War II Heritage City? Use details from the bill and from the lesson(s) information.
  3. Are there other cities you think of when considering home front contributions during wartime? Which, and why?

Optional Activity: Virtual Field Trips

Use virtual field trip videos to support comparisons among the Hanford, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge sites. Learning from these can then be applied in the mastery product comparing two or more home front cities.

Rubric with one column labeled "Areas for Improvement," one labeled "Proficient: Meeting Standards," and "Areas of Exceeding Standards"
Single-Point Rubric (Standards; Blank) [Teacher selects priority standards for assessment.]

Courtesy of Sarah Nestor Lane

Culminating Activity/Mastery Product

To demonstrate student understanding, support students in creating a final product that meets the following objectives:

  1. Identify important World War II home front location(s) in Los Alamos County, New Mexico, and describe their historical significance
  2. Summarize the contributions of Los Alamos County civilians and service members to home front wartime efforts
  3. Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts of the contributions of the Los Alamos laboratories and The Manhattan Project
  4. Optional: Describe similarities and differences of Los Alamos County, NM and other Heritage city(s) / World War II home front(s), particularly those involved with the Manhattan Project.

Mastery products should be:

. . . student-led: Students work as individuals or in collaborative groups.

. . . student-directed: Students are offered a variety of choices for product type.

. . . student-organized: Teacher facilitates by providing students with the comparison matrices and/or resource links from throughout the series of lessons.

. . . student-assessed: Teacher supports student self-assessment and reflection by providing students single-point rubrics to assess for meeting standards and/or lesson objectives.

Note: Depending on time and scope, the comparison of Los Alamos to another WWII Heritage city(s) within the mastery product (objectives) may be omitted. However, comparing cities is recommended, as it connects students to a deeper understanding of the WWII home front.

Examples of mastery product choices include, but are not limited to:

  • Written: Letter (opinion or informative), essay, poem, narratives, biography, articles, class book or children’s book, speech or debate (then presented orally), blog / website, plaque or historical displays, pamphlets or rack cards

  • Graphic Organizers: timeline, flowcharts, mind or concept content maps, Venn diagrams, comparison matrices, posters

  • Artistic Expression: song, dance, theater (ex. skits), 3-D models, dioramas, photo journal, stamp and coin designs, visual art, architecture/building or monument, museum design

  • Media design and creation: podcast, historical markers, social media content, interactive virtual maps or tours, infographics, video, comic strips or graphics, game design, slideshows, digital scrapbook

    Please view Teaching with Historic Place's World War II Page for information and resources on other cities.

This lesson was written by Sarah Nestor Lane, an educator and consultant with the Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education, funded by the National Council on Public History's cooperative agreement with the National Park Service.

Part of a series of articles titled Los Alamos County, NM, WWII Heritage City Lessons.

Last updated: November 20, 2023