
Ben Matthews

Artwork of a mock field study illustration of a lobster that has adapted saw blades in place of claws
Photo courtesy of Ben Matthews. Used with permission.

My piece depicts mysterious adaptations from this not-quite time or place based on current environmental concerns and social topics. My exploration into a unique, fantastical and sometimes unsettling universe aims to encourage viewers to ponder current concerns by presenting a glimpse at futuristic flora, fauna and manmade inventions that have resulted from our impact on the world.

– Ben Matthews

Collage: photo of the artist, photo of feet next to a tidepool, photo of an illustration in progress with drawing tools

Ben Matthews is a fine artist based in Pittsburgh, PA. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1995 and has exhibited his work locally and nationally since 1998.

Ben’s recent work explores fictitious field studies that depict mysterious adaptations and inventions from this not-quite time or place based on current environmental concerns and social topics. His drawings combine visual puns and irony with social messages. His exploration into a unique, fantastical and sometimes unsettling universe encourages viewers to think about current concerns by presenting a glimpse at futuristic flora, fauna and manmade inventions that have resulted from our impact on the world.

Visit his website.

Acadia National Park

Last updated: August 13, 2023