
Arches Yoga

The scenic vistas, towering rock features, and resilient plants at Arches National Park can be inspiring. Take a moment to relax, and experience Arches through these calming yoga poses. What things in nature have inspired you to strike a pose?

A female park ranger in uniform stands with one leg raised. Behind her is a towering orange colored rock balanced on a rock pedestal.
Balanced Rock pose


Balanced Rock pose

Standing tall, find an unmoving object to focus your gaze. Slowly shift your weight onto one leg, and lift the other off the ground. Using your hands, place your foot onto your calf or thigh, avoiding your knee. Bring your hands to your center and breathe. If you feel stable, use your arms to create your best-Balanced Rock shape!

A female park ranger in uniform stands bent over at the waist with her fingertips touching the ground. Behind her is a large orange colored natural rock arch.
Turret Arch pose


Turret Arch pose

From standing, fold forward. With an inhale, bring your hands to your shins, thighs, or if you’re super flexible like this ranger, keep your fingertips on the ground and arch your torso away for your thighs. Bend your knees as much as you need to find a long spine, pulling your belly button away from your pelvis
A female wearing a navy shirt and grey pants is poised in the plan position. Behind her is an orange colored rock wall
Sedimentary Rock Layer pose


Sedimentary Rock Layer pose

From your forward fold, bend your knees enough to be able to place your palms flat on the ground. Pushing into your hands and keeping your shoulders over your wrists, walk your feet back, making a long line with the entire length of your body.
Inside a large orange colored natural sock arch, is poised a person in a back bend position.
Window pose


Window pose

Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands several inches behind your hips, shoulder-width apart. Press your palms into the ground with your fingers facing towards your toes. Lean back into your arms, slowly inhale and lift your hips towards the ceiling.
A female wearing a navy shirt and grey pants sits on the ground twisting her torso. Behind her is a juniper tree and a landscape of tan rocks and green shrubs.
Twisted Juniper pose


Twisted Juniper pose

To make this pose friendlier in your body, place a blanket or pillow underneath your seat. Sitting with your legs extended in front of you, bend your left knee, cross it over your right leg and place the foot down flat, with the heel of the foot close to your right sitting bone. Reach your left arm up and rotate your torso to place your left hand behind you. You can place your right hand on your left knee to inhale and extend your spine, while using your exhale to twist from your core. Do not use your hand or arm to crank your spine. Enjoy some deep breaths in this cleansing pose before switching sides.

Arches National Park

Last updated: April 14, 2021