
Battle of Rutherford's Farm

A hand drawn sketch maps the landmarks and topography of a Civil War battle.
"Sketch of the battle of Rutherford Farm, July 20th, 1864" by Jedediah Hotchkiss

Library of Congress

“… for the first time in my life, I am deeply mortified at the conduct of troops under my command.”

Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur, CSA

Aware that a strong Federal force was advancing towards Winchester from the north and east, Confederate Gen. Jubal Early abandoned Winchester and retreated south. To give him time to evacuate hospitals and stores, Early ordered Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur’s division to occupy the northern defenses of the city. The Federal victory at Rutherford's Farm on July 20, 1864 proved temporary. Four days later, Early struck back with his entire army, at the Second Battle of Kernstown.

Rutherford’s Farm Battlefield

Most of Rutherford’s Farm Battlefield is lost to development. Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation (SVBF) maintains a small interpretive area is on the side US Route 11 in Winchester. The battle is also called Stephenson’s Depot, or the Battle of Carter’s Farm, as that farm lay just a short distance north along the Martinsburg Pike. Visit Rutherford’s Farm Battlefield »

July 20, 1864

Part of a series of articles titled Great Alarm at the Capital.

Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historical Park

Last updated: January 30, 2023