
Water Quality Criteria for the Bighorn River at Kane, Wyoming

Water Quality Criteria

The Bighorn River within the state of Wyoming has been designated as a Class 2AB water. Waters in this class are believed to support drinking water uses and game fisheries for at least some part of the game fish life cycle (spawning, nursery, feeding, and growth). The classification also applies to perennial (permanently flooded) stream and wetland tributaries. Class 2AB waters include all permanent and seasonal game fisheries and can be either cold water or warm water depending upon the predominance of cold water or warm water species present. These waters are also protected for nongame fisheries, fish consumption, aquatic life other than fish, recreation, wildlife, industry, agriculture, and scenic value uses (WYDEQ 2001).

The Bighorn River water quality monitoring results are compared to the following federal and state water quality standards.

EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1987. Quality criteria for water 1986 [The Gold Book]. EPA440/5-86-001. U.S. EPA, Office of Water Regulations and Standards, Washington D.C.

Wyoming Surface Water Quality Standards, Chapter 1, Water Quality Rules

Part of a series of articles titled Water Resources Monitoring in the Bighorn River at Kane, Wyoming.

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Last updated: September 16, 2022