
Hatteras Light Station Restoration Update- May - July 2024

Top of lighthouse scaffolding.
Top of lighthouse scaffolding

NPS Photo

Updated: August 1, 2024
Scroll to bottom of page to link to previous updates

Summer 2024 Update: During the summer months, visitation to the Cape Hatteras Light Station increases, causing project managers to take into consideration the increased visitor traffic flow. As a result, great effort was taken to prepare the lighthouse grounds to allow continued visitor access to the Museum of the Sea while restoration work continued. The early summer months saw great progress in the landscaping and hardscaping, while the lighthouse saw the completion of interior scaffolding, allowing for more advanced work to begin.

Key Highlights from May 2024:

  • Removal of the Bronze Front Door of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. Doors (will be shipped offsite to Alabama for restoration.
  • Installation of Interior Scaffolding complete.
  • Began paint removal on exterior metal components. This includes the Lantern Room, observation deck, and brackets.
  • Landscape work- work on the brick walkway began between the lighthouse and the keepers' quarters. Pathway was enlarged slightly to accommodate larger summer crowds.
Key Highlights from June 2024
  • Phase 1 Hardscape and Landscape Completed. This phase consisted of new concrete walkways, enlarged brick pathways, and grading the site with native soil and sand. 5 different varieties of native grass plugs were planted throughout the site.
  • Began Interior paint removal on metal components.
  • Mid-inspection on 1st Order Fresnel Lens Replica progress.

Key Highlights from July 2024
  • Complete interior paint removal on metal components – roof structure, stairs, beams, and other components.
  • Begin metal surveying and documentation.
  • Begin exterior shoring on metal components in preparation for metal restoration.

Return to the Restoration Project Landing Page to learn more about the overall project and other updates.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Last updated: September 18, 2024