
Herbert Gedney Interview

Herbert Douglas Gedney, Jr. served in the Army Air Corps during World War II in the Aleutians (Dutch Harbor, Attu and Kiska) with the 11th Air Force from 1941-1943, and in northern France, central Europe and Rhineland as an aerial gunner with the 8th Air Force. He served in the personnel office and as an armorer and turret specialist in Alaska. Herb received 2 battle stars and 3 presidential citations during his service.

Herb’s wife, Lois Reynolds-Gedney, did her part for the war effort as well. Lois worked at the Kaiser Ship Yard and raised their young daughter while Herb served overseas flight duty with the 8th Air Force in Europe.
Herb Gedney
Herb Gedney

Photo courtesy of Herb Gedney

  • Complete transcript, no audio or images (148 KB)

  • Complete interview (6 MB) -- Left-click the link once to begin streaming the interview. This may take just a few moments for fast connections, or several minutes for dial-up connections.

    Right-click the link and choose "Save link as ..." to save the file to your desktop. This will take considerable time, even for broadband connections.

    The interview is also available in smaller portions, with the relevant transcript available for each clip. Each audio clip is less than 1 MB, facilitating access for slower internet connections.
Transcript Summary

  1. Talking about Alaska as a Territory and flying with minimal aircraft in Alaska before the war began audio / transcript
  2. Return to the States in 1943, grandfather’s service in the military, father’s military service audio / transcript
  3. Enlisting in the Army after getting in trouble in 1938, assignment to Headquarters Battery, 79th Field Artillery unit audio / transcript
  4. Weather as a significant factor in the Campaign, description of weather in the Aleutians audio / transcript
  5. Continuation of discussion of Aleutian weather audio / transcript
  6. Introduction, dates served in the Aleutians, enlisting in the Army at 16 ½ years, volunteering for foreign duty in Alaska, squadrons served in under the Army, dates served, commanding officers audio / transcript
  7. Duties served in Alaska as armorer and turret specialist audio / transcript
  8. Fishing and hunting during time off, learning about the bombing of Pearl Harbor audio / transcript
  9. Learning about the attack on Dutch Harbor while airborne, moving between islands, what he did to contribute to the war effort, decorations received audio / transcript
  10. Daily life in the Aleutians: showers, clothing, housing, good times on the islands: making liquor, having plays, USO shows, pictures he’s sending to NPS audio / transcript
  11. Mail from home as morale booster, learning to write home after father sent a dog musher to go find him, requirement to show the Commanding Officer that he’d written letters home, not knowing what was happening elsewhere in the world audio / transcript
  12. Keeping in touch with Aleutian mates, photo albums, what is remembered about time in the Aleutians audio / transcript

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: August 11, 2020