
Wood Windows, History’s Eyewitness

By Johnna Rizzo and Matthew Twombly

Image description and transcript below.

Eight white men wearing coats, and tri-corner hats, and five women standing in groups in front of Independence Hall.


A white man is chopping down a tree in the foreground and a partially built log cabin is in the background on the right.


People wearing dark clothing walk under storefront awnings. Buildings with Asian inspired features in the background.


A street lined with four different style buildings standing side by side.


A tree trunk in a forest. Text and arrows point to parts of a tree.


A 12 pane double hung window divided into two parts vertically.


A white woman with a dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail is looking out a window at a brown field and farm buildings.


Image description and text

Source: Data Store Collection 9284. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.

Last updated: January 10, 2023