
Davyd Halyn Betchkal - Soundscape Specialist

Two sound ecologists work in the field setting up equipment.
Davyd Betchkal (right) and Dan Walsh (left) set up acoustic recording equipment along the Upper Noatak River in Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Davyd Halyn Betchkal
Alaska Region Soundscape Specialist / Biologist
Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division
MP 237 Parks Hwy.
Denali Park, AK 99755
(907) 683-5754

Listen to Davyd talk about natural sounds in Denali in this BBC documentary, Hush.

B.S. 2004 University of Wisconsin, Madison Biochemistry, Botany

Skills and Interest Areas
Natural soundscapes and dark skies, noise propagation and modelling, wilderness monitoring, detection theory, avian bioacoustics, scientific computing

Professional Experience
2015-present Alaska Region Soundscape Specialist / Bioacoustician, NPS, Alaska
2011-2015 Soundscape Program Manager, Denali National Park and Preserve
2009-2011 Soundscape Technician, Denali National Park and Preserve

Professional Activities
Acoustical Society of America Full Membership (2021-present)
Acoustical Society of America Associate Membership (2013-2021)

Alaskan Natural Sounds
xeno canto—sharing wildlife sounds from around the world

Betchkal, D. H., J. A. Beeco, S. J. Anderson, B. A. Peterson, and D. Joyce. 2023. Using aircraft tracking data to estimate the geographic scope of noise impacts from low-level overflights above parks and protected areas. Journal of Environmental Management 348(15): 119201.

Ferguson, L. A., P. Newman, M. F. McKenna, D. H. Betchkal, Z. D. Miller, R. Keller, K. M. Fristrup, and B. D. Taff. 2023. How much noise is too much? Methods for identifying thresholds for soundscape quality and ecosystem services. Applied Acoustics 209: 109388.

Betchkal, D. H., Zucker, A., & Heck, K. 2022. NPS-ActiveSpace (Version v2.0.0) [Computer software].

Betchkal, D. H. 2022. The Prescience of Desired Future Conditions. Park Science. 36(1).

Betchkal, D. H and Others. 2022. Acoustic Inventory of Breeding Birds in Denali National Park and Preserve. NPS/NRSS/Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division. Denali Park, AK.

Larsen, A. S., J. H. Schmidt, H. Stapleton, H. Kristenson, D. Betchkal, and M. F. McKenna. 2021. Monitoring the phenology of the wood frog breeding season using bioacoustic methods. Ecological Indicators 131: 108142.

Betchkal, D., P. Burger, and C. Gabriele. 2021. Making sound decisions using bioacoustics in Alaska’s national parks. Alaska Park Science 20(1): 66-73.

Vincelette, H., R. Buxton, N. Kleist, M. F. McKenna, D. Betchkal and G. Wittemyer. 2021. Insights on the effect of aircraft traffic on avian vocal activity. Ibis 163(2): 353-365.

Stinchcomb, T. R., T. J. Brinkman, and D. Betchkal. 2020. Extensive aircraft activity impacts subsistence areas: Acoustic evidence from Arctic Alaska. Environmental Research Letters 15(11): 115005.

Betchkal, D. H. 2020. Katmai National Park and Preserve: Acoustic inventory 2015 - 2017. Natural Resource Report. NPS/NRSS/NSNSD/NRR—2020/2080. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado.

Betchkal D. and Schirokauer DW. 2019. Soundscape Condition in the Vicinity of the Denali Massif. National Park Service, Denali Park, AK.

Betchkal D. 2019. Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve – acoustic inventory report, 2013 and 2014. Natural Resource Report NPS/GAAR/NRR—2019/1892. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Natural Resource Report.

Summers C. and Betchkal D. 2019. Avian Acoustic Discovery: Alaska. Github repository.

National Park Service (NPS). 2018. Denali National Park and Preserve Long Range Transportation Plan: Appendix B: Denali Long-Range Transportation Planning and Acoustic Resources. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Denali Park, Alaska.

Betchkal DH and Ward VL. 2018. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve: Acoustic Resource Management Framework. Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division. Denali Park, AK.

Betchkal, D, C McIntyre, M Roed, and J Reppert. 2016. Avian Soundscape Ecology in Denali National Park. Alaska Park Science 14(2):9-15.

Betchkal D. 2015. Acoustic monitoring report, Noatak National Preserve – 2013 and 2014. Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/NOAT/NRDS—2015/787. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2221854. Report of acoustic monitoring and analysis in Noatak National Preserve, Alaska in 2013 and 2014 (pdf) See full bibliographic record

Betchkal D. 2013. Acoustic monitoring report, Denali National Park and Preserve – 2011. Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/DENA/NRDS—2013/474. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2194377. 2011 Acoustic monitoring report for Denali National Park and Preserve (pdf) See full bibliographic record

Betchkal D. 2013. Acoustic monitoring report, Denali National Park and Preserve – 2012. Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/DENA/NRDS—2013/589. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2204780. 2012 soundscape monitoring report for Denali National Park and Preserve (pdf) See full bibliographic record

Withers J and Betchkal D. 2013. Acoustic monitoring report, Denali National Park and Preserve – 2010. Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/DENA/NRDS—2013/441. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2192884. DENA_2010_Soundscapes_Annual_Report_Final.pdf See full bibliographic record

Last updated: February 15, 2024