
Eva Tcheripanoff Interview

black and white photo of three children sitting on a horse, in front of a building
George Gordaoff, Tatiana Nevzoroff, and Eva Kudrin on horse in Kashega, AK. Verso of photograph reads: “George l. A. Gordaiff [Gordaoff] 12 yrs Bad Boy, Miss Tatitona E. D. Nezoroff [Tatiana Nevzoroff], Miss Eva S. A. Kudrin. Kashega, Alaska.”

Photograph courtesy Roberta Gordaoff.

As part of the "Beginning of Memory Project," Ray Hudson conducted interviews with Unangax̂/Aleuts who were forced to evacuate from their homes during World War II. Many of the evacuees from the Aleutians faced years away from their childhood homes, sometimes in deplorable camps. Many communities - the "Lost Villages" - were never resettled.

Eva Tcheripanoff (nee Kudrin) was born in Kashega in 1928 and continued to live there until evacuation during WWII. After the war she married John Tcheripanoff of Akutan and soon afterwards settled in Unalaska.

Download a full transcript of Eva's interview.
Two black and white photos: one of three young women in front of a window; the other of two women in front of a Ward Lake sign.
Left photo: Left to right: Eva Kudrin, Alice Moller, and Tatiana [Nevzoroff] Kudrin.
Right photo: Sophie Kudrin [Pletnikoff] and her daughter Eva Kudrin [Tcheripanoff] at Ward Lake.

Photos courtesy of Mary Diakanoff

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: October 29, 2021