Foundation Document

Cover of Foundation Document for Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, September 2013
Cover of Foundation Document for Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, September 2013


Every unit of the national park system is required to have a formal statement of its core mission that will provide basic guidance for all planning and management decisions—a foundation for planning and management. Increasing emphasis on government accountability and restrained federal spending demand that all stakeholders are aware of the purpose, significance, interpretive themes, fundamental resources and values, and special mandates and administrative commitments of a park unit, as well as the legal and policy requirements for administration and resource protection that factor into management decisions.

Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site completed its Foundation Document In September 2013.

Last updated: July 14, 2023

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35110 State Highway 194
La Junta, CO 81050


719 383-5010
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