Partnership Planning Committee

The Planning Committee of the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership provides leadership in defining the overall planning policies for management of the Boston Harbor Islands national park area. The Committee is composed of Partnership agency representatives and of members of the Advisory Committee. The Planning Committee recommends and implements both long term and short term strategies for increasing accessibility to the islands; improving the quality of the visitor experience; and, protecting and restoring the natural, historic, archeological, and cultural resources and landscapes. The Committee initiates and conducts studies or analyses relevant to these strategies, and encourages partners to present all new projects to the Committee for review and advice to the partner and the Partnership.

The Planning Committee focuses on the use of land and water areas and the impact of that use on the island resources; reviews the nature and quality of physical improvements to the islands and makes recommendations to the Partnership on such activities and on the interrelationship of the activities. The Planning Committee facilitates and coordinates the comprehensive review of all park activities.

The Planning Committee:

  • Developed the General Management Plan (GMP) to provide management guidance to the Partnership agencies.
  • Develops implementation strategies for and any amendments to the GMP.
  • Monitors the progress of implementation of the General Management Plan and review park activities for consistency with the GMP.
  • Develops Strategic Plans, defining and prioritizing improvement projects for funding.
  • Develops sub-committees and work groups, as appropriate, to further the mission and goals as expressed in the GMP, and to implement components of the Strategic Plan, such as the following:
    - Carrying Capacity
    - Sustainable Energy and Renewable Design
    - Transportation
    - History Research Plan
    - Resource Management Plan
    - Public Art
  • Serves as a facilitator for coordinating individual Partners’ projects and joint projects among partners.
  • Recommends new ideas and projects to other committees and the Partnership to further the mission and goals expressed in the GMP.
  • Serves as a forum for the comprehensive review of park policy and coordination of system-wide activities such as access systems to the islands and gateways.
  • Co-hosts joint committee meetings and activities.
  • Develops a summary report of the activities of the Planning Committee and its sub-committees at least once per year to inform the Advisory Council, other committees, and the Partnership.


Renewable Energy & Sustainable Design – The Subcommittee on Renewable Energy & Sustainable Design (SRESD) actively works to bring recommendations to the Planning Committee on ways that the park can be an environmental leader around energy use and conservation, and sustainable use of natural resources.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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Mailing Address:

Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park
21 Second Ave

Charlestown, MA 02129


617 223-8666

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