Educational Fee Waiver

Three bright yellow school buses parked in a parking lot in front of towering rock formation and blue sky.
School group visiting Capitol Reef National Park.

NPS/ A. Ehler

What is an Educational Fee Waiver? Does My Group Need One?

National Park Service policy permits entrance fees to be waived for national and international academic institutions visiting parks for non-commercial educational purposes. However, Educational Fee Waivers are not issued automatically. Educational groups must apply and meet the criteria to receive a fee waiver. The entire park is a fee area.

For school groups with children under the age of 16, please fill out the fee waiver form, and the park will generate a Special Use Permit for your visit.

Qualifying for an Educational Fee Waiver

There are three criteria an academic institution must meet in order to qualify for an Educational Fee Waiver—eligibility, educational purpose, and relevance of park resources or facilities.

Criteria #1 - Eligibility

Applicants must prove they are an academic institution by submitting one of the following types of documentation.

  • A statement confirming educational or scientific tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the applicant's national, state, or local tax authority.
  • A statement from an academic institution meeting one of these eligibility standards confirming that the group is visiting for the purpose of providing transferable academic credit based on a curriculum.
  • A statement of accreditation or recognition as an academic institution from a legitimate international, national, regional, state, or local authority.

Criteria #2 - Educational Purpose

Applicants must provide a written statement verifying that the visit supports a specific curriculum for which academic credit is offered. This requirement can be met by submitting the course number and description and/or a copy of the catalog description for college courses or an outline of student work required for grades K-12.

Criteria #3 - Relevance of Park Resources or Facilities

Applicants must provide a written statement describing how specific park resources and facilities are relevant to the educational purpose of the visit. Course outlines, lesson plans, or a copy of the curriculum meet this requirement.


Submitting an Educational Fee Waiver Application

You may submit your completed application and required supporting documentation by email:

Download the Fee Waiver Application. Fill out sections 1, 2, and 5. Please provide a detailed itinerary/description of where in the park you will go, what you will be doing, and how many students you have.

Application packets must be received by Capitol Reef National Park at least 3 weeks (21 days) prior to the start date of your anticipated trip. Educational Fee Waivers will not be issued at the Visitor Center.

Responses may be expected by email. Copies of approved Educational Fee Waiver applications must be present in all vehicles while in the park.

Please call 435-425-4173 or email us here if you have further questions.

Large group of children and adults face a park ranger standing under red cliffs, large green trees, and blue sky.
A large group of children and chaperones listen to a park ranger in the picnic area.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in an Educational Fee Waiver?

Only entrance fees are waived by an Educational Fee Waiver. Expanded amenity fees, such as camping costs, are the responsibility of your group.

Learn about camping options in the park and surrounding communities.

Does my scout group qualify for an Educational Fee Waiver?

Not-for-profit groups such as service, civic, fraternal organizations, scouts, 4-H, Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) etc. frequently do not qualify for an Educational Fee Waiver. All current holders of America the Beautiful Interagency Passes, 4th Grade (Every Kid Outdoors) pass, the Capitol Reef annual pass, as well as anyone under 16 years of age will be exempt from payment of entrance fees.

How can I have a Park Ranger talk to my group during our Field Trip?

Contact Interpretive and Education staff by email to check for availability.

How does my class sign up for Distance Education?

Contact Interpretive and Education staff by email for availability. No fee waivers necessary!

Will a Capitol Reef Educational Fee Waiver cover entrance fees for other parks?

Unfortunately, no. Groups will need to apply for an Educational Fee Waiver through each park separately. Although applications may include identical documentation, other information, such as the dates of the anticipated visit, will need to be adjusted for each park.

Last updated: June 13, 2024

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HC 70, Box 15
Torrey, UT 84775


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