Other Special Uses

Do I need an Special Use Permit?

Some activities that fall outside normal visitation also require obtaining a SUP. You may review the regulations and download the permit before your visit.

  • Memorial services and the spreading of human ashes.
  • Sporting events, or other events conducted by organized clubs.
  • Religious worship services.
  • Trips organized by scouting groups, churches, academic institutions, or other non-profit organizations. (Fee waivers may be available for educational groups.)
  • Any organized group consisting of more than 40 people conducting an activity in the park.
  • Ceremonies or public assemblies.

Permits are required for any group/organized activity that includes but is not limited to rendezvous & rallies, charity events, sporting, and training events (e.g. cycling/running). If you are unsure if your event/activity requires a permit, please contact us.

Submit a Special Use Permit Application a minimum of three weeks in advance.

Special Use Permit payment may be made through pay.gov. The application fee is $100, except for scattering of ashes, which is $25.


Restriction on Idling:

Commercial vehicles (buses, vans, school buses, etc.) are only allowed to idle while actively (passengers are physically getting on or off) loading and unloading passengers. All operators must turn off vehicle engines when parked or when not actively loading or unloading. This restriction does not apply to vehicles stopped on roadways in obedience to traffic control devices or orders, or as needed in response to legitimate traffic safety concerns.


Commercial tour bus operators have a tendency to idle their engines while parked. The primary reason is that tour operators like to keep their buses cool with air conditioning while their clients are away from the bus. Idling occurs in the visitor center parking lot and in other parking areas where large numbers of visitors congregate. Idling engines produce noise pollution and exhaust that impacts clean air. This limitation will minimize the impacts to natural resources and visitors. (Superintendent’s Compendium).

Last updated: June 8, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

HC 70, Box 15
Torrey, UT 84775


Recorded park information available 24 hours a day. Phones are answered when staff is available. If no one answers, please leave a message, your call will be returned. Questions may also be sent to care_information@nps.gov.

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