160th Anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga Hikes with Park Historian Jim Ogden

Park Historian Jim Ogden leads a hike with a crowd of visitors
Battle Anniversary hikes with Park Historian Jim Ogden are very popular. These usually last several hours and cover several miles of terrain.


From September 16-20, 2023, Park Historian Jim Ogden will lead in-depth hikes and tours examining, in detail, specific actions and locations during the Battle of Chickamauga. These tours typically last approximately 90 minutes and usually involve a mile or more of walking through uneven terrain and across unmowed fields. Please dress appropriately, bring a water bottle, and wear sunscreen and insect repellant. Some visitors bring lightweight folding chairs, but be prepared to carry them for long distances.

All programs are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather or staffing availability.


Saturday, September 16

8 am - Dan McCook Changes the Course

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center to parking along Jay’s Mill Road, north of Alexander’s Bridge Road

Learn how Union Colonel Dan McCook’s “…no force of the enemy except one brigade…it could be cut off…he had destroyed the bridge…” report to George Thomas on the morning of September 19 changed the course of the unfolding action.  This 90-minute, 1-mile round trip walking tour will begin at Jay’s Mill. 

10 am - Ector’s Multifarious Brigade Engages

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center to parking along Jay’s Mill Road north of Alexander’s Bridge Road

This 2 ½-hour, 2 ½-mile round-trip walking tour will examine the role on the morning of September 19 of the second Confederate brigade of infantry to join the growing battle—Matthew Ector’s Brigade of Texans, Alabamians, Mississippians, and North Carolinians.  This tour will begin at Jay’s Mill.

2 pm - The Other Part of Wilder’s Brigade on September 19: The 92nd Illinois and the Mountain Howitzers 

  • Location: Parking for this program will be along Glenn-Kelly Road just south of Dyer Road. Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center to the parking area

Famously, Wilder’s Mounted Infantry Brigade fought at Viniard’s on September 19, but part of the brigade was not in that fight. Learn about the role of Smith Atkins’ 92nd Illinois and the brigade’s mountain howitzer detachment in this 90-minute, 1 ¼ mile round trip walking tour.

4 pm - Make Way for Sheridan

  • Location: Parking for this program will be along Glenn-Viniard Road, just west of LaFayette Road.
As the fighting of September 19 grew in scale, both sides marched divisions and brigades up from the south and toward “the sound of the guns.” In late afternoon, Luther Bradley’s Illinois Brigade advanced into the fight at Viniard’s, led by staff officers shouting “Make way for Sheridan!”  Learn about these soldiers' experience that afternoon in this 90-minute, 1-mile round trip walking tour. 

Sunday, September 17

8 am - Preston’s Division Becomes the Left and a Reserve

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center to the parking area

They were supposed to strike the Federal left at Lee & Gordon’s Mills but as the battle grew to the north, William Preston’s Confederate division became not part of the right but the left. Learn about how Preston’s role changed and about some of the physical remnants of that change on the battlefield. This 90-minute, 1-mile round trip walking tour will begin on Alexander-Viniard Road, west of Alexander’s Bridge Road.

10:30 am - The Enemy Often Came Within Forty Yards

  • Location: Parking for this program will be along Battleline Road, just north of the Alabama Monument

John Croxton’s Brigade had seen extensive fighting on September 19.  When the Confederate attacks began on the 20th, it was quickly apparent that that Sunday would be no different.  This 90-minute, 1 ½ mile round trip walking tour will examine the experience of Croxton’s men on the morning of the 20th,with a focus on his left in the afternoon. 

1 pm - In the Matter of Hood’s Wounding

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the visitor center to the parking area

John Bell Hood commanded the three divisions that fortuitously struck the gap in the Union line, but he would be wounded in the Dyer Field fighting. Learn about the effect of Hood’s wounding in this 90-minute, 1-mile round trip walking tour. Parking for this program will be along Glenn-Kelly Road, just south of Dyer Road.

3 pm - Croxton’s Right and the Stand on Snodgrass Hill

  • Location: Parking for this program will be at the intersection of Glenn-Kelly Road and Snodgrass Hill Road

Forced from the line at Poe Field, John Croxton’s hard fought brigade became part of the Union line on Snodgrass Hill. This 90-mintue, 1 ½ mile round trip walk will examine Croxton’s men’s experience as they helped make George Thomas the Rock of Chickamauga.


Monday, September 18

9:30 am - The Confederate Crossings at Thedford’s and Dalton’s Fords

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center

This 2 ½-hour, 3-mile hike to Chickamauga Creek and back will examine the key but usually overlooked crossings of Confederate General Simon Buckner’s two divisions at Thedford’s and Dalton’s Fords on September 18, 1863.  The hike will begin along Alexander-Viniard Road, in the gravel parking area that leads to the fords.

1:30 pm - Fateful Crossroads 

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center

Intersections near a steam sawmill came to play an important role in what did and did not happen at Chickamauga on September 18 & 19.  This 90-minute, 1-mile round trip walking tour will examine the decisions made at those intersections that shaped the course of subsequent events. The program will begin at Jay’s Mill.


Tuesday, September 19

9:30 am - Scribner’s Brigade Fights in an Unexpected Direction

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center

This 90-minute, 1 ½ mile round trip walking tour will examine the experience of Benjamin Scribner’s Union brigade as he had to quickly transition from support to combat, and in a new direction.  This program will begin at the parking area at the intersection of Alexander’s Bridge Road and Brotherton Road.

1:30 pm - Jackson’s and Maney’s Fight in the Woods

  • Location: Follow the “Historian Hike” signs from the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center

This 90-minute, 1 ½ mile round trip walking tour will examine the role of the right two Confederate brigades of Frank Cheatham’s Division in the growing fight on September 19.  This program will begin at the parking area at the intersection of Alexander’s Bridge Road and Brotherton Road.


Wednesday, September 20

9:30 am - The Vice President Attacks the Left 

  • Location: It will begin and end at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center

This 90-minute, 1 ½ mile round trip walking tour will examine the opening Confederate attack on September 20, 1863. 

1:30 pm - Little Phil’s Fight on September 20

  • Location: The program will begin at the Wilder Brigade Monument, Tour Stop 6.

This 2-hour, 1 ½ mile round trip walking tour will examine the experience of Philip Sheridan’s Division in the fighting of late morning of September 20, 1863.

Last updated: August 18, 2023

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Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742



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