
A large, two-story house with several windows and four pillars in the courtyard holding up a trellis.
The west side of the Young family home, also known as Youngsholm, showing the now removed trellis in the courtyard.  c. 1918

Courtesy of the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center, Wilberforce, Ohio


Early in his career in 1894, Charles Young received a detached service assignment as an instructor of military science and tactics at Wilberforce University. He developed the curriculum and served as a role model for the young men in the program. In 1907, the Young's purchased a large house about a mile from the campus which he later named "Youngsholm." The house was built in 1839 and was once used as a stop on the Underground Railroad. Young's residence quickly became the social hub for friends, university colleagues and even strangers alike. Frequent and notable visitors from around the area often visited the house. Although his military career took him across the globe, Young considered "Youngsholm" his sanctuary where he raised a family, mentored a successive generation of leaders, and found intellectual refuge. Even after his untimely death, "Youngsholm" would remain in the Young family for over another half century.

light gray two story brick building with a porch that is covered by a roof with dark gray pillars holding up the roof. There is green grass in the foreground. A cement sidewalk goes to the front of the porch stairs that leads into the home.
Present-day view of the front of Youngsholm from U.S. Route 42

NPS / T. Engberg

Youngsholm Today

Currently, Youngsholm serves as the face of the nation's 401st National Park Service site. Visit the Hours of Operation page for information on when the park is open for visitation.

For up-to-date information on park events, visit our Schedule of Events website. You can also call the park at 937-352-6757 or send an email.

Last updated: June 18, 2024

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