Birder's Log 1/3/2020

January 03, 2020 Posted by: Wallace Keck - Park Superintendent

Sunrise over the Visitor Center on the morning of the Bird Count
Annual Jim Sage Christmas Bird Count

A short while ago, 7 of us crazy birders concluded the Annual Jim Sage Christmas Bird Count. We listed 40 species for the day and a total of 1,180 birds - give or take a starling or two. We drove 92 miles, walked a few while circumnavigating the Jim Sage Mountain Range. This is high desert country, and still we logged 8 bald eagles (7 golden eagles) and 8 Gadwalls. Best birds for the day included Gray Partridge, Northern Shrike, Juniper Titmouse, American Dipper, Wood Duck, and American Tree Sparrow. The day began with a take-my-breath-away sunrise and equally a stop-my-beating-heart sunset. Everything looks more intense when birding.


birding, bird count, City of Rocks, Castle Rocks, Sunrise

Last updated: January 16, 2020

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