Battle Unit Details


8th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry

8th Infantry Regiment completed its organization in July, 1861, at Jacksonport, Arkansas, with men from the central part of the state. The unit moved east of the Mississippi River and lost heavily at the Battle of Shiloh. On April 26, 1862, it totalled 272 men and in May was consolidated into five companies and united with the 7th and 9th Arkansas Infantry Battalions. It was assigned to General Liddell's and Govan's Brigade, and in November, 1863, consolidated with the 19th (Dawson's) Arkansas Regiment. After fighting at Perryville, it participated in the campaigns of the Army of Tennessee from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, was with Hood in Tennessee, and ended the war in North Carolina. Its casualties were 29 killed and 124 wounded at Murfreesboro, and 14 killed, 92 wounded, and 65 missing at Chickamauga. The 8th/19th lost 16 men at Ringgold Gap, totalled 363 men and 265 arms in December, 1863, and had 97 disabled at the Battle of Atlanta. Few surrendered on April 26, 1865. Its commanders were Colonels George F. Baucum, John H. Kelly, and William K. Patterson; Lieutenant Colonels H. M. Couch, Anderson Watkins, and James H. Wilson; and Majors John A. Price and W. P. Witt.
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