Battle Unit Details


5th Regiment, Missouri Infantry

5th Infantry Regiment, organized at Fort Smith, Arkansas, in January, 1862, contained men who had served in the Missouri State Guard. Many were from the counties of Barry, Lafayette, Lawrence, and Newton. Ordered east of the Mississippi River, it fought at Iuka and Corinth, then was assigned to Bowen's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. The unit took an active part in the Vicksburg operations and was captured in July 4, 1863. After the exchange it was assigned to General Cockrell's Brigade and consolidated with the 3rd Regiment. This command participated in the Atlanta Campaign, was with Hood in Tennessee, and shared in the defense of Mobile. The 5th totalled 476 men in May, 1862, lost 6 killed, 62 wounded, and 19 missing at Corinth, had 4 killed, 49 wounded, and 37 missing at Champion's Hill, and lost 20 killed and 52 wounded during the Vicksburg siege. In the Atlanta Campaign, May 18 to September 5, the 3rd/5th reported 128 casualties and 68 at Allatoona. Few surrendered in May, 1865. The field officers were Colonel James McCown, Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Bevier, and Major Owen A. Waddell.
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