Battle Unit Details


6th Regiment, Missouri Cavalry

6th Cavalry Regiment [also called Southwest Cavalry] was formed during the late spring of 1862. Many of its members were form the counties of Barry, Newton, McDonald, Jasper, and Lawrence. The unit skirmished in the Indian Territory and Missouri, then was assigned to General Shelby's Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department. It went on to take part in Shelby's raid in Arkansas and Missouri, Marmaduke's Expedition into Missouri, and again saw action in Arkansas. The unit reported 30 casualties with Marmaduke and 19 at Helena. During the winter of 1863-1864 new men joined the command, and it was redesignated the 11th Missouri Cavalry. The field officers were Colonel John T. Coffee and G.W. Thompson, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Hooper, and Majors George W. Nichols amd Moses W. Smith.
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