Battle Unit Details


Griffin's Company, Virginia Light Artillery (Salem Flying Artillery)

Salem Flying Artillery was organized as an infantry company and served with the 9th Regiment. In May, 1862, it was transferred to the artillery. All of its members were recruited to Roanoke County. The unit was assigned to J.T. Brown's and R.A. Hardaway's Battalion of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. It served in the Richmond area, then participated in numerous engagements from the Maryland Campaign to Cold Harbor, endured the hardships of the Petersburg siege, and was active around Appomattox. The battery reported 1 man wounded at Fredericksburg and ten percent of the 69 engaged at Gettysburg disabled. On April 9, 1865, it surrendered 1 officer and 97 men. Captains Charles B. Griffin and Abraham Hupp were in command.
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