Battle Unit Details


18th Regiment, New Hampshire Infantry

Organized at Concord September 13, 1864. First six Companies recruited under call of July 19, 1864. Four Companies under call of December 21, 1864. Companies "G," "H" and "I" join Regiment in February, March and April, 1865. Company "K" was on duty at Galloupe's Island, Boston Harbor, entire term, and mustered out May 6, 1865. Six Companies ordered to City Point, Va., September, 1864. Attached to Benham's Engineer Brigade to December, 1864. Clough's Provisional Brigade, Ferrero's Division, Defences of Berumda Hundred, Va., to March 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1865. Garrison at Washington, D. C., till July, 1865.

Duty in Fortifications at City Point, Va., till December 10, 1864. At front near Petersburg December 10-13. Reported to Gen. Ferrero, and duty in the Defences of Bermuda Hundred December 18-30. Duty at City Point till March 19, 1865. Reported to Gen. Parke, Commanding 9th Army Corps, before Petersburg, March 19. Repulse of attack on Fort Stedman March 25. Duty at Fort Stedman till April 2. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Assault on and fall of Petersburg April 2. Occupation of Petersburg April 3. Moved to South Side Railroad and duty at Ford's Station till April 20. Moved to Washington, D. C., April 20-26. Camp at Alexandria and Provost duty at Georgetown till July. Guard duty in Washington during trial of President Lincoln's assassins. Six original companies muster out June 10, 1865. Balance of Regiment muster out July 29, 1865.

Regiment lost 1 Officer and 4 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 36 Enlisted men by disease. Total 41.
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