Battle Unit Details


25th Regiment, New York Cavalry

Regiment organized at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and at Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor, and mustered in by Companies as follows: Companies "A" and "B" February 20, Companies "C" and "D" March 19, Company "E" April 14, Company "F" April 23, Company "G" April 20, Company "H" July 29, Company "I" September 18, Company "K" May 16, Company "L" October 15 and Company "M" October 20, 1864. Moved to Washington, D. C., by detachments March to October, 1864. Attached to Defences of Washington, D. C., 22nd Army Corps, April to June, 1864. Provost Guard Army of the Potomac, to July, 1864. Defences of Washington, D. C., 22nd Corps, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, to January, 1865. Unattached, 2nd Infantry Division, Army of West Virginia, to June, 1865.

Duty in the Defences of Washington, D. C., till June, 1864. Ordered to the field and Provost duty with Army of tbe Potomac to July, 1864. Fort Stevens and repulse of Early's attack on Washington, July 11-12. Duty in the Defences of Washington till August. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 7-November 28. Toll Gate, near White Post, August 11. Cedarville, Guard Hill, or Front Royal, August 16. Winchester August 17. Opequan Creek August 18. Near Kearneysville August 25. Halltown August 26. Duffield Station August 27. Berryville September 3. Opequan Creek September 13. Sevier's Ford, Opequan Creek, September 15. Battle of Winchester September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Front Royal September 23-24. Luray Valley September 24. Luray September 25. Port Republic September 26-27. Mt. Crawford October 2. Tom's Brook ("Woodstock Races") October 8-9. Near Conrad's Ferry October 22. Newtown November 12. Rude's Hill, near Mt. Jackson, November 22. White Plains November 27-28. Expedition into Faquier and Loudoun Counties November 28-December 3. Upperville November 29. Snicker's Gap November 30. Expedition to Gordonsville December 19-28. Flint Hill December 20. Jack's Shop, near Gordonsville, December 22-23. Columbia Furnace January 19 and 29, 1865. Duty in the Shenandoah Valley till June. Mustered out at Hart's Island, N. Y., June 27, 1865, and honorably discharged from service.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 16 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 49 Enlisted men by disease. Total 66.
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