Park Newspaper

The park's newspaper and visitor guide, Crater Lake Reflections, is a great source of information for planning a trip to the park. It's published twice a year. The summer/fall edition usually arrives in early June; the winter/spring edition usually comes out in early December. You can download the most recent versions below. If you'd prefer a hard copy, we can send you one. Contact us through the link at the bottom of this page.

Front page above the fold of 2024 Summer-Fall Crater Lake Reflections Visitor Guide. Top image shows Wizard Island with trees in blue Crater Lake.  Other image is a digital view looking down on the top of Wizard Island.

Summer/Fall Edition

Visiting between mid-June and late October? Download the summer/fall edition of Crater Lake Reflections to learn about hiking trails, the Rim Drive, and other park attractions.

Summer/Fall 2024 [7.70 MB PDF]


May & June

Arriving in May or early June? Unfortunately, neither edition of the park newspaper will be very helpful. Instead, read our overview of visiting in May and June.

Photo of the Front Page of the Winter Newspaper

Winter/Spring Edition

Visiting between November and April? Download the winter/spring edition of Crater Lake Reflections to learn about winter road closures, snowshoeing, ski trails, and other winter recreational opportunities.

Winter/Spring 2021-2022 [3.9 MB PDF]

Last updated: July 12, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Crater Lake National Park
PO Box 7

Crater Lake, OR 97604


541 594-3000

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