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How Did you do?

   Your Quiz Score


If you got all 5 answers right, it means you have dealt with moisture problems in the past, or you finished the web class before taking the quiz. Either way, we applaud you! You have successfully done away with the Invaders, at least for now.

  If you got 4 right, you're well on your way to being able to successfully challenge the Invaders. That one question you missed, though, will cost you an additional repair job. Still, congratulations!

  If you got 3 right, you're about average. It's an ongoing struggle to defeat the Invaders. Sometimes it's easy to figure out where they're coming from--sometimes it isn't! Work to "up" your percentages and save historic materials...and headaches.

  Now, we're moving toward the lower end. If you answered 2 right, you probably have water in your basement at times, and condensation on your windows much of the time. Read the materials, then try the Quiz again. Stick with it!

  Finally, if you only got 1 answer right, you get the "Big Mushroom" award. Your house is probably growing them in the basement! Seriously, we're glad you stopped by for our mini-webclass. Please come back again.
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