From the Roof Down...and Skin Deep
graphic of connected houses with link to TPS homepage

poorly maintained house
Are You Feeling Haunted?

3. When problems occur at the roof, along the walls, or at the foundation, it's generally because:

C. You spent your time and money on new furniture.

No, this isn't the answer we're looking for, but it may certainly be true.

When the connections between parts of the house's exterior begin to fail through lack of maintenance, you'll see problems at the roof, or along the walls, or at the foundation--or all three! If that's what you're experiencing, begin making repairs immediately before things get worse. When they are under control once again, practice ongoing maintenance. If your current problems are more than "skin deep" so that major replacement of historic materials is indicated, then by all means contact a preservation professional for advice. Big problems requiring big money are beyond the scope of this distance learning site.

Please answer the next question now...

Question 4

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