Overall page navigation start option: INTRODUCTION: What is the Historic Character? STEP ONE: Identify the building's overall visual aspects STEP TWO: Identify the close range visual aspects STEP THREE: Identify the interior visual aspects Identify the Interior Visual Aspects
A distance learning site by Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service
QUIZ 8: Identify the Interior Visual Aspects
This is a dramatic image of the ornamented interior of a 19th century hotel, looking down to the sitting lobby, and up to its connected floors. The image rolls over to provide the correct answer. Screen Reader users see text-only link, left, for answer. Photo:  Courtesy, The Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colorado.
Walk Through Historic Buildings

Identify the Interior Visual Aspects

This grand 19th century hotel is perhaps best appreciated from a balcony overview, looking down to the sitting lobby, and upward to its many connected floors. Based on information in the Walk Through, what do you see as its primary visual aspect?

Look, then Identify one of the following:

  Choice A is Related Spaces Related Spaces
Choice B is Interior Features Interior Features
  Choice C is Individual Space Individual Space


Identifying Visual Character HOME
Identifying Visual Character