News Release

Puppy Cam Back Online!

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Date: September 10, 2021
Contact: Denali Park Kennels, (907) 683-9532

Denali National Park Kennels is excited to announce that the live Puppy Cam is back online after a hiatus in 2020. Viewers from around the world can watch the eight puppies as they grow, play, eat, and chase Canada jays away from their dishes on Denali’s website.  

The park chose to honor the hero dogs from 9/11 on its 20th Anniversary and named the puppies after eight of the roughly 300 dogs who aided in search and rescue efforts at Ground Zero and the Pentagon. The new members of the sled dog team are named Apollo, Blitz, Merlyn, Jolie, Boomer, Sage, Dargo, and Gus. 

“Even twenty years later, we honor the heroism and sacrifices first responders made when the terrorist attacks landed on September 11, 2001. We recognize the importance of their work and wish to express our gratitude for all that they have done for our country,” said Denali Superintendent Don Striker. As our park’s visitors watch these puppies grow into hard working adults and interact with them throughout their careers here, we hope that these names will honor the memory of not only the search and rescue dogs, but of the firefighters, law enforcement officers, and handlers that responded without hesitation in America’s time of need. These names serve as a reminder of when we came together as a nation  and supported one another.  

Sled dogs have been a key part of Denali National Park since 1922. In Alaska, sled dogs have been a part of the landscape for centuries as a means of transportation for hunting, trapping, and visiting friends and family. In all working dogs, the strength of the bond between dogs and their humans is almost tangible. We invite you to tune into the Puppy Cam, and then visit the Denali National Park Kennels to develop your own bonds and relationships to your sled dogs and this wild place. Check out the puppy cam now! 

Last updated: September 10, 2021

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907 683-9532
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