Follow the Signs

Finding the Trail

National Historic Trail Signs

Look left, look right, look straight ahead — the land has a story to tell. Swells and swales, creek crossings and river routes, dips and ruts: all these signify an international highway of the past! You can follow American Indian routes that Spaniards used to establish missions and presidios in a travel corridor from the Rio Grande to Louisiana. Imagine these long-ago times as you travel to historic rendezvous points and scout natural landmarks across the countryside.

These tell-tale signs will help you find and explore the many places and stories of El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail.


Find out how to create a custom sign plan for your area by working with National Trails office staff.

A group of signs that indicate the presence of the El Camino Real.
  • Crossing signs alert you to locations where the historic trail crossed an existing road.
  • When you see a Site Identification sign, you know you have arrived at the entrance to a historic site, segment, or interpretive facility.

Last updated: June 6, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

National Trails Office Regions 6|7|8
El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail
1100 Old Santa Fe Trail

Santa Fe, NM 87505

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