At Fort Cronkhite, a bridge crosses the seasonal outlet to Rodeo Lagoon. At the north foot of the bridge, a sign is located in front of the railing to the east of the bridge on the planked observation deck overlooking Rodeo Lagoon and Beach. A measuring pole is attached to the east side of the bridge and stands in the lagoon's outlet channel.

Endangered Gem

The title appears over an aerial view of rugged California coastline surrounding an estuary near the Golden Gate Bridge, an inset photograph, and an illustration of a measuring pole.

Sign Text in English and Spanish:
"Just minutes from bustling city life, Rodeo Beach is a grand outdoor getaway. Locals and travelers alike seek quiet and play along this patch of coast. The estuary also provides a home or stopover for wildlife. But higher seas will submerge the narrow beach strip that makes this special place possible. Earth's warming temperatures — mostly caused by human actions like burning fossil fuels — are melting glaciers and making ocean waters expand. What is our responsibility to protect this sanctuary for people and wildlife?"

With the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in the background, the photo focuses on the estuary and the rolling hills, rocky shores, sandy beaches, and bluffs of this coastline. The dark waters of the estuary are separated from the blue-green ocean by a light brown barrier beach. A "You Are Here" arrow points to the mainland side of the tidal creek that crosses the barrier beach into the estuary. The estuary is surrounded by bluffs and rolling hills. A freshwater pond is father inland than the estuary.

Inset Photos and Captions

An arrow connects the pond with the image of a reddish orange frog.

"This freshwater pond makes great habitat for the red-legged frog, a threatened species."

An arrow connects the estuary with the image of a light brown fish with prominent rounded fins.

"The endangered tidewater goby lives in these brackish waters, a mix of salt water and fresh water."

A rectangular photo shows how ocean water could fill estuary and freshwater pond.

"With 3 feet of sea level rise (projected in 2100), storm waves will crash over this barrier beach — disrupting the salinity of the estuary and freshwater pond."

Measure for Sea Level

An illustration shows rising tides along a tall pole over time. "This pole marks projected sea levels and storm surges. Rising waters will wipe out the protective barrier beach and drown this valuable estuary." From bottom to top:

-Average high tide in 2000: zero.
-Projected high tide in 2100: 3 feet.
-Elevation of freshwater pond: 10 feet.
-Projected high tide in 2100 plus storm surge, and projected high tide in 2300: 12 feet.
-Elevation of barrier beach: barely over 12 feet.
-Projected high tide in 2300 plus storm surge: 21 feet.