At Crissy Field, a wooden planked footbridge offers visitors a place to stop and view Crissy marsh and the San Francisco Bay. A sign is located in front of the bridge railing on the bay side. A measuring pole attached to the bay side of the railing stands in the tidal inlet between the bay and the marsh.

Waterside Treasure

The title appears over a view of visitors strolling along a path near the Golden Gate Bridge, two inset photographs, and an illustration of a measuring pole.

Sign Text in English and Spanish:
"This place is a national treasure! It feeds the soul and provides a recreational playground for locals and global travelers alike. But the very ocean we enjoy here threatens the existence of this beach and promenade. Earth's warming temperatures — mostly caused by human actions like burning fossil fuels — melt glaciers and make sea water expand. Rising seas will submerge our seaside retreat. Should we reduce carbon emissions or build levees?"

Inset Photos and Captions

A photo shows the Golden Gate Bridge under a dark stormy sky as surf splashes up and over the post-and-chain stations for the pedestrian walkway along the shore.

"Storm waves already crash over the sea wall to the west. As sea waters rise, storm surge and swells get bigger."

A photo shows a snowy plover, a bird with a light brown back, white belly, and white stripe around its neck.

Caption: "The beach offers snowy plovers a life-saving stop for food and rest."

Measure for Sea Level

An illustration shows rising tides along a tall pole over time. "This pole marks projected sea level and storm surge — to show how rising waters affect your recreation and migrating birds." From bottom to top:

-Average high tide in 2000: zero.
-Elevation of plover resting area, and projected high tide in 2100: 3 feet.
-Current storm surge plus wave pile-up: 4 feet.
-The elevation of the promenade and Projected high tide in 2100 plus storm surge: 7 feet.
-Projected high tide in 2300: 12 feet.
-Projected high tide in 2300 plus storm surge: 16 feet.