Black and white photo showing two pack 'tables.' The pack table is more like a padded cot with the head end raised slightly. In the foreground is a white man lying on his side on the pack cot. He has a white bath sheet wrapped around him and the African American pack attendant is putting a towel on his shoulders. There are towels hanging on a bar on the wall on the right side. The pack attendant is wearing a white t-shirt, white pants, and tennis shoes. On the back wall you can see a radiator and on the back right is a small armless chair with towels stacked on it.
Bathhouse Employees
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Aside from management, the mainstay of the bath industry from early times was the bath attendant and until the 1980s, most bath attendants were African American. Massage services were added in some bathhouses in the 1890s and later chiropodists. Take an illustrated look at the duties of the various bathhouse jobs.
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