A path leads into a small stand of blue-oak trees. The trees' crooked branches form an open canopy of blue-green leaves most of the year. A sign and a picture post stand near the path.

Title Feeding the Foothills

The sign's title appears over an aerial view of green rolling hills dotted with blue-oak trees, and six inset photographs.

Sign Text in English and Spanish:
"Tough blue oaks, like the tree before you, are key to most life in the foothills. Well-adapted to survive summer's heat, they produce abundant acorns. Many birds, mammals, and insects rely on acorns, especially in fall. In turn, others rely on the acorn-eating species.

Climate is key to acorn production. If climate change brings hotter weather or less rain, the timing, quantity, or quality of acorns will shift. Help scientists track changes in these trees and in their ecosystem by taking photos using the nearby picture post."

Inset Photos and Captions

Two inset photos appear at the bottom of the sign.

A photo shows an Acorn Woodpecker holding a brown tear-shaped acorn in its bill. The bird is mostly black, with a white speckled breast, white on its face, a red crest, and dark robust beak. The bird clings to rough tree-bark into which acorns are embedded.

Another photo shows a furry black bear climbing a thick tree.

"Some animals depend entirely on fall's nutrient-rich blue oak acorns. To survive winter, black bears gorge on acorns and woodpeckers cache them in trees."

A group of four inset photographs shows blue oaks at different times.

Group Caption:
"Rain falls mostly December through March, with very little summer or fall moisture."

New Leaves
Three raindrop symbols appear over a photo of green leaves.

"Bright green leaves usually burst from leaf buds in February through March. Blue oaks rely on winter rain to produce this growth."

Tiny Blossoms
Two raindrop symbols appear over a photo showing clusters of small green flowers.

"Oak flowers aren't very flower-like. They're catkins, hanging clusters of blooms with no petals. Look for these small green flowers in spring."

Fruit of the Oak
A symbol of a sun appears over a photo of two green, tear-shaped acorns.

"From catkins come acorns, the blue oak's prized product. With too little rain, acorns may drop before maturing."

Fall Harvest
A single raindrop symbol appears over a photo of several acorns growing on a thin branch.

"Some animals travel miles for the ripe, brown acorns. Look for this vital food on oak branches and the ground below, and in animal scat (poop)."

A note beneath the photo grouping invites visitors to "Look at the blue oak in front of you. Which seasonal phase do you see?"