At the edge of the forest, picnic tables and benches are shaded by overhead structures. Conifer trees, manzanitas, and other plants grow nearby. A sign and picture post stand near the sidewalk.

Title: Berries, Bees, and Snow

The sign's title appears over a photo of a bear cub foraging in a leafy berry bush—the manzanita. There are three inset photos.

Sign Text in English and Spanish:
"The greenleaf manzanita before you is a berry-making machine, well adapted to the local pattern of snowy winters and dry summers. In fall, many animals rely on its berries. But timing and amount of this prized food may be at risk, because climate change affects not only snow but bees.

If snowfall changes or bees arrive at the wrong time, fewer berries may appear — and maybe not when wildlife needs them most. Help scientists track changes to this essential plant and the ecosystem that relies on it. Take photos using the nearby picture post."

"In late summer and fall, bears gorge on berries to fatten for winter. Many other mammals, birds, and insects also depend on manzanita — Spanish for little apples." An inset photograph next to the bear shows black-bear scat (poop) loaded with manzanita berry seeds.

Typical seasonal patterns for snow and rain

Four close-up photographs show different seasons.

"Winter Snow" has a snowflake symbol above a photo of green leaves peeking out of a blanket of snow.

"Snow cover protects dormant berry buds from winds and hard freezes. Warmer winters mean less snow, which threatens survival of buds."

"Springtime Buds," has two raindrop symbols above a photo of a cluster of pink blossoms.

"As roots absorb melting snow, pink buds appear. With warmth and moisture, buds become small white or pink flowers."

"Summer Pollination" has a sun symbol above a photo of a bee clinging to a pale pink flower.

"Buzz pollination makes berries possible. Bees beat their wings to shake pollen from flowers, which fertilizes seeds. Listen for manzanitas buzzing with bees."

"Autumn Harvest" features a photo of a bunch of small round berries still on the bush with one raindrop symbol above it.

"The reddish-brown berries may stay on bushes into late fall, feeding animals for months."

A note entitled "Find its Phase" invites visitors to "Look at the manzanita in front of you. Which seasonal phase do you see?"