Big Meadows

Beds lined against the wall of a barracks building with a stove in the center of theh room.

So this is it: your home away from home. Your day will begin and end right here. We used to live in army surplus tents, but now we're in these buildings—about 40 or 50 of us in each one. The bathhouse is in the building at the end of the row of barracks. Press continue and click on the highlighted objects in this room to explore!

1. Uniforms

You got your uniform yet? Yeah, they outfit you from the skin out! For work you wear the denims. We have to wear the dress uniform every night for dinner. But that's not so bad, 'cause when we get to go in to town, the ladies come a'runnin' for that dress uni.

2. The Stoves

Everybody's on the take. There's a guy who'll cut your hair for a fee, one who'll paint your foot-locker, another who'll type your letters home—all for a fee. One guy who's really looking to send money home—we all pay him a quarter and he keeps the stove stoked so it's not so cold when we get up in the mornings.

3. The Beds

Every morning the barracks is inspected. Your bed has to be made and it has to be good and tight so when the lieutenant drops a quarter on it, that quarter better hop up. If it don't, you gotta re-make it!

Illustration of a boy sleeping in his bed with a dog standing watch.