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Herbert Hoover

Video Transcript

Herbert Hoover was born to Quaker parents, in a quiet community in Iowa

[Image] Birthplace of Herbert Hoover.

After the death of his parents, Hoover moved to Oregon to live with his uncle. There he attended Friends Pacific Academy, a Quaker school.

[Image] Hoover in grade school.

The Quaker philosophy put tremendous value on integrity, honesty, simplicity, humility, pacifism and environmental concerns.

[Image] This painting by Edward Hicks exemplifies the Quakers’ pacifism. The title is “Peaceable Kingdom.”

Women’s rights and concern for the relief and suffering of all people of all races were also important values for Quakers. These beliefs laid the foundation for Hoover’s life of humanitarian service.

[Image] This lithograph of an assembly of Quakers shows women’s equal role.

[Image] Quakers believed in the equality of Native Americans and slaves at a time when most Americans did not.

He was an international champion for all who suffered and spent a great portion of this life helping the world’s hungry.

Hoover believed in waging peace and in expanding personal freedom.

[Image] During the depression Soup Kitchens were an example of charitable organizations helping the hungry.

Hoover believed this type of aid was better than government aid. His beliefs were the basis for many of his decisions.

1. Discussion Topic

How did the Religious Society of Friends get the Name "Quakers?"

2. Discussion Topic

Did Herbert Hoover swear his Presidential Oath of Office? Why or why not?

3. Discussion Topic

Think about your own personal philosophy/ How does it compare to Hoover's?

4. Discussion Topic

Would you be willing to work for pay and then give all the money away?