Lesson 5
"There's no place like home"

Use the following paragraph to inspire your journal entry:

HOME! Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax. Home...Is it where you live now, or somewhere else? Who lives there? What does it look like? How does it feel? What can you smell? What noises can you hear? Does it make you smile, cry, laugh, crazy?? How long since you've been there? How long can you stay away? Will it always be there for you, like a haven; or will it be something to escape? Think about your own home. to what lengths would you go to restore and preserve it? Is it a place you'd like to share with a few friends or with the world?

Rapidan Camp was home to Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover for only four years. But it has remained their "home" for succeeding generations to enjoy. A whole lot of time, energy, and resources have gone into its restoration. In your journal write an entry answering the following questions:

  1. Why do you think Shenandoah National Park and the National Park Service in general have expended time, energy, and resources to restore and preserve Rapidan Camp and other historic sites?
  2. What is the expected outcome of their work?
  3. Are the expected outcomes worth it?
  4. Should more be done to restore and preserve our history? Why or why not?
  5. What will/could happen if we fail to restore and preserve our heritage?
  6. Write a journal entry commenting on the following:

    If we don't protect and preserve the past, what will be left for future generations to learn from?

    "The supreme purpose of history is a better world." Herbert Hoover