The Lake

The lake is shown in front of a sun setting behind rolling green hills. Trees surround the lake.
Enjoy the calm lake...let's go swimming or catch some fish!
This lake formed when a volcanic mudflow called a lahar blocked off a major stream, allowing for water to flood into the valley. The lake is 12 miles long!

Since this area periodically gets covered in volcanic ash, these tiny single-celled organisms known as diatoms bloom in the lake, which make parts of the lake slimy.

You can either go swimming in slime, go fishing, or we can try to catch some bugs around the lake.
GIF image showing a volcano that has erupted ash that combines with rainwater to form a volcanic mudflow that blocks a stream in which the valley becomes flooded to form a lake that is shown at a closer view showing cattails and other plants.
Although lahars are destructive, this lahar blocked a stream that resulted in the formation of the lake.



What do you want to do at the lake?

Last updated: April 9, 2022

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