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Heavy rain clouds come over the mountain and the ruins at Fort Bowie.
Summer monsoons are a dramatic time to visit Fort Bowie NHS. The weather changes quickly, so be prepared.


Temperatures vary from dry, hot (90 ̊ F+/ 32 ̊ C+) days in May, June, and July to below freezing with possible snow from November to March. Daily thunderstorms are common from July through September, which is the monsoon season.

Weather Station at Fort Bowie

Check the current weather conditions at Fort Bowie in real time.
(Please note that weather station can periodically go offline - call the visitor center in weather station is down for current conditions: 520-549-6751

Overlook Ridge Weather Station

Last updated: June 7, 2024

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P.O. Box 158
Bowie, AZ 85605



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