Superintendent's Compendium

National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Golden Spike National Historical Park
Fossil Butte National Monument
Timpanogos Cave National Monument

Superintendent’s Compendium
Approved on 7/19/2024
By Brandon Flint, Superintendent

In accordance with applicable law and policy, and pursuant to the delegated authorities provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (“36 CFR”), the following compendium actions apply to lands and waters administered by the National Park Service (NPS) within the boundaries of Golden Spike National Historical Park, Fossil Butte National Monument, Timpanogos Cave National Monument collectively herein after referred to as “Parks”. This document is the written compilation of designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions imposed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent, as required by 36 CFR 1.7(b). Violating any provision in this Compendium may result in criminal penalties under 36 CFR 1.3.

The compendium actions in this document apply in addition to all other laws that apply to lands and waters administered by the NPS within the boundaries of the Parks. These include:

  • Regulations in 36 CFR and other CFR titles such as Title 43, which contains regulations that apply on public lands administered by the Department of the Interior. The current version of the CFR can be found at Click on “Title 36” and then “Chapter 1” to access 36 CFR.

  • Statutes codified in U.S. Code, in particular provisions in Titles 16 and 54.

This Compendium is organized by the sections in 36 CFR that give the Superintendent discretionary authority to take the compendium action. Written determinations that explain why each compendium action is necessary appear in this document in italicized print.Please contact Brandon Flint if you have any questions or comments about the Superintendent’s Compendium. NPS regulations in 36 CFR 1.4 define certain terms that are used in 36 CFR. Other sections in 36 CFR may define terms that are used in those sections. To the extent any terms defined in the CFR are used in this Compendium, those definitions apply. In addition to terms defined in the CFR, the following terms used in this Compendium are defined as follows:Parks - Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Golden Spike National Historical Park, and Fossil Butte National Monument.Timpanogos Cave System - Timpanogos Cave, Middle Cave, and Hansen Cave and their connecting tunnelsUncrewed Aircraft : A device that is used or intended to be used for flight without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, and drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.



36 CFR 1.5(a)(1) – Visiting hours, public use limits and closures.

Visiting Hours

  • Visitor centers and contact stations are open as posted on the respective buildings. These buildings are closed to the public at all other times.

Limits on public access and visiting hours to are necessary to protect federal facilities from theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities and for employee and visitor safety.

  • Administrative buildings and areas are closed to the public except during ordinary business hours or when invited by park staff.

Limits on public access are necessary to protect federal facilities from theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities, to prevent visitor interference in administrative operations and for employee and visitor safety.

  • Housing areas are open to the public only when invited by park staff or residents or to report bona fide emergencies.

Limits on public access are necessary to protect federal facilities from theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities, to prevent visitor interference in administrative operations and for employee and visitor safety.

  • Roads, trails and buildings are subject to temporary closure. Visitors shall be advised of such closures on electronic media and/or by the posting of signs along roads, at trailheads, and/or other appropriate locations.

Temporary closures may be necessary at any time due to maintenance activities, inclement weather, road conditions or other unforeseen circumstances for visitor safety or the protection of park resources.

Public Use Limits and Closures

  • Camping and overnight parking is prohibited.

Overnight parking or camping are prohibited to protect park resources. The Parks do not have facilities such as campgrounds or 24 hour restrooms, nor the staff presence to accommodate overnight use.

  • Livestock and Off-Road Motorized Vehicle loading and unloading is prohibited.

Parking spaces are limited and not designed for livestock/OHV loading/unloading. This prohibition is necessary so that parking areas are not monopolized by large vehicles unloading livestock and OHVs then riding outside the parks. This can displacing park visitors from the parking areas.

Timpanogos Cave National Monument limits and closures:

  • All park areas south of Utah Highway 92, except the existing paved Cave Trail; Timpanogos Cave, Middle Cave, and Hansen Cave and their connecting tunnels (hereinafter “the Timpanogos Cave System”); and the Monument visitor center buildings, sidewalks, parking lot and appurtenances, are closed to public use at all times.

The areas south of Utah Highway 92 are a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities, and for visitor and employee safety.

The Cave trail passes through a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities.

  • On days when public cave tours are not offered (generally mid-October – mid-May as determined by the Superintendent), the Cave Trail above the “1/4 Way Gate” is closed to public use.

The Cave trail passes through a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism.

  • The Cave Trail above the “1/4 Way Gate” may be open to public use even if no cave tours are scheduled when staffing, weather and trail conditions permit. Any temporary opening of the trail will be advertised on the park website ( and evidenced by the ¼ Way Gate being open.

The Cave trail passes through a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism.

  • The Cave Trail between the trailhead and the ¼ Way Gate will be generally open all year except when weather and trail conditions cause the trail to be unsafe as determined by the Superintendent. Closed periods will be posted on the park website ( and evidenced by Trailhead Gate being closed.

The Cave trail passes through a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism.

  • The Cave Trail is closed to the possession or use of any wheeled vehicle, device or conveyance, whether motorized or non-motorized, including but not limited to infant or child strollers, wheelchairs, wagons, and any other device capable of carrying a person inside, atop, or astride except by authorized personnel for emergency or administrative purposes.

The Cave Trail is a narrow, paved trail with steep inclines and sheer drop-offs that passes thought a dynamic environment with many known rockslide areas. The use of wheeled vehicles exposes visitors, both those using the vehicle and those around them, to increased risk of rock strikes, or the need to move around the wheeled device on the narrow trail, to increased risk of bodily harm. The prohibition on wheeled vehicles is necessary to reduce the risk of serious bodily harm or death on the trail.

  • The Timpanogos cave system and cave trail are closed to persons 16 years of age and under unless accompanied and supervised by an adult or working as an official NPS volunteer and with an approved parental agreement authorization.

The Cave Trail is a narrow trail with steep inclines and sheer drop-offs that passes thought a dynamic environment with many known rockslide areas. Adult supervision of those under 16 is necessary to reduce the risk of serious bodily harm or death on the trail.

  • The Timpanogos cave system is closed to all public entry at all times except when:

    • accompanied by designated NPS staff on a conducted tour; or

    • performing contracted or volunteer work under NPS authorization; or

    • authorized by a Special Use Permit; or

    • engaged in permitted research or a resource management project.

The Timpanogos Cave System is a fragile cave system full of delicate and irreplaceable nature features. These limitations are necessary to protect the cave resources from vandalism.

  • All park caves, mines, and tunnels other than the Timpanogos Cave System are closed to entry and public use except as specifically authorized by the superintendent for administrative or research purposes.

The park areas south of Utah Highway 92 are a fragile and dynamic environment consisting of caves, avalanche shoots, rockslide areas. These closures and restrictions to public access, activities and visiting hours are to protect natural and cultural resources from resource damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities, and for visitor and employee safety.

Golden Spike National Historical Park limits and closures:

Public access limits are necessary to protect government property from damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities and for visitor and employee safety, as well as preclude interference with administrative operations by visitors.

  • The Engine House road is closed to non-authorized personnel except during the winter months for the purpose of guided engine house tours. Permission for access to the engine house must first be gained from personnel at the Visitor Center front desk.

Public access limits are necessary to protect government property from damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities and for visitor and employee safety, as well as preclude interference with administrative operations by visitors.

  • The Central Pacific Railroad grade from County Road 7200 Northeast to Utah 83 is closed to all public vehicle access except for local ranch access.

Public access limits are necessary to protect government property from damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities and for visitor and employee safety, as well as preclude interference with administrative operations by visitors.

  • The dirt access road to the last spike site from the Whitaker ranch road is closed.

Public access limits are necessary to protect government property from damage, theft, vandalism or inappropriate activities and for visitor and employee safety, as well as preclude interference with administrative operations by visitors.

  • The West Auto Tour is closed during times of cattle grazing on private lands adjacent to park boundaries.

At times the West Auto Tour must be closed to allow for the use of rights of way across the grade to be used by adjacent private landowners for their cattle to cross.

  • The East & West Auto Tours are closed to buses, motorhomes, and trailers.

This closure is necessary due to the narrow and confined road (historic railroad grade) widths found in many sections of the tour.

Fossil Butte National Monument limits and closures:

NPS does not have sufficient staff to appropriately manage visitors during the overnight hours. Leaving developed areas at night can cause, through theft and vandalism, significant damage to the natural and cultural resources in the park, including plants, wildlife, and paleontological and archeological sites.

  • The Ruby Ridge Road and Cundick Ridge Road are closed to vehicle access except for administrative use as approved by the Superintendent.

These roads are not designed or maintained for visitor use. Visitor use of the roads would lead to unacceptable resource impacts.

  • With exception on the trail leading to the research quarry, the area 300 feet in all directions from the center point of the quarry is closed to public use.

This closure is necessary to protect the paleontological resources, and to prevent rockfall on staff and visitors in the area.

36 CFR 1.5(a)(2) – Designated areas, conditions or restrictions on a use or activity.

Conditions or Restrictions on a Use or Activity

  • Launching, landing, or operating an uncrewed aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the NPS within the boundaries of the Parks is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent.

This restriction is necessary to prevent unacceptable impacts to park resources and values from the use of uncrewed aircraft. Potential impacts include harming visitors, interfering with rescue operations, causing excessive noise, impacting viewsheds, and disturbing wildlife. This restriction is required by NPS Policy Memorandum 14-05 dated June 19, 2014.

  • Engines on large commercial vehicles, such as busses or tractors, must be shut down when not moving and parked in designated parking areas.

The idling of large engines adds unnecessary exhaust fumes to the air and diminishes the enjoyment by visitors of the peace and tranquility of the park.

  • The following items are prohibited inside any cave:

    • Possession or use of clothing or equipment that has been in any other cave or subterranean mine unless it has been declared to NPS staff and then decontaminated as prescribed in the park White-nose syndrome (WNS) policy.

    • Possession of a backpack, child carrier, purse, or similar bag larger than will fit entirely within a box 12 inches x 10 inches x 20 inches

    • Possession or use of chemical pesticides or herbicides

    • Food

    • Beverages, except for water

    • Tobacco, vaping

    • Laser pointers

    • Crude wooden walking sticks (picked up in forest)

    • Extended hiking poles (may collapse and carry through)

    • Tripods, monopods “selfie stick” or similar items

    • External frame backpacks including baby backpacks

    • Backpacks larger than designated pack box

    • Any unclean clothing or gear that has been in any other cave or mine at any time

    • Any wheeled human conveyance including wheelchairs, strollers, wheelie shoes, etc.

These limitations are necessary to protect cave resources including cave walls, ceilings, floors, and speleothems, as well as cultural, hydrologic, geologic, and biological features from damage.



36 CFR 1.6(f) – Activities that require a permit.

The following activities are prohibited without a permit. Criteria for approving or denying permits are established by applicable law (statutes and regulations) and policy. Permitted activities are subject to applicable terms and conditions.

  • Launching or landing uncrewed aircraft. 36 CFR 1.5.
  • Specimen collection for research purposes. 36 CFR 2.5.
  • Gathering of plants or plant parts by Federally recognized Indian tribes. 36 CFR 2.6.
  • Operating a power saw in developed areas and a motor or engine in undeveloped areas. 36 CFR 2.12.
  • Operating a public address system 36 CFR 2.12.
  • Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter or other airborne means. 36 CFR 2.17.
  • Soliciting or demanding gifts, money goods or services. 36 CFR 2.37.
  • Using, possessing, storing, or transporting explosives; using or possessing fireworks or firecrackers. 36 CFR 2.38.
  • Conducting a special event. 36 CFR 2.50.
  • Conducting a demonstration by groups of more than 25 people. 36 CFR 2.51.
  • Selling or distributing printed matter and other message-bearing items by groups of more than 25 people. 36 CFR 2.52.
  • Running-at-large, herding, driving across, allowing on, pasturing or grazing of livestock, or using the park for agriculture. 36 CFR 2.60.
  • Residing on federal lands. 36 CFR 2.61.
  • Scattering of human ashes from cremation. 36 CFR 2.62.
  • Towing a person using a parasail, hang-glider, or other airborne device 36 CFR 3.12.
  • Displaying, posting, or distributing commercial notices or advertisements. 36 CFR 5.1
  • Engaging in or soliciting any business. 36 CFR 5.3.
  • Some audio recording (if conditions are met). 36 CFR 5.5.
  • Constructing or attempting to construct any building, structure, road, trail, path, or utility. 36 CFR 5.7.
  • Rights-of-way. 36 CFR part 14.
  • Examining ruins, excavating archeological sites, and gathering of objects of antiquity. 43 CFR part 3.
  • Commercial filming. 43 CFR 5.2.
  • Some still photography (if conditions are met). 43 CFR 5.2.
  • Excavating or removing archeological resources. 43 CFR part 7.
  • Collecting paleontological resources. 43 CFR part 49.


  • Collecting down and dead wood is prohibited.

The collection of dead wood is not permitted due to the insufficient resources. The collection of wood in the parks removes natural resources from the park and could result in degradation of the resource.


36 CFR 2.13(a) FIRES

  • Lighting or maintaining an open fire, except in designated areas is prohibited. Designated areas are indicated by the presence of park provided fire rings or grills.

The use of fires in the parks is regulated to prevent wildfires and protect structures, natural & cultural resources and the public. This limitation does not apply to self-contained grills, stoves and other similar cooking devices.



  • Disposal of human waste within any cave withing Timpanogos Cave National Monument is prohibited.

This limitation is necessary to protect cave resources including cave walls, ceilings, floors, and speleothems, as well as cultural, hydrologic, geologic, and biological features from damage.


36 CFR 2.15 PETS

36 CFR 2.15 (a)(1) Limitations

The cave trail and caves are located in a sensitive environment. Pets in these areas present a danger to other visitors, wildlife and the cave environment.

36 CFR 2.15 (a)(5) Excrement

  • Pet excrement must be immediately collected in all areas by the pet owner and removed from the site or deposited in an appropriate waste container.

Pet excrement causes sanitation problems in visitor use areas and can negatively effect the local environment.



36 CFR 2.16(b) – Designated location.

  • At Golden Spike National Historical Park - horses are allowed on the Central Pacific railroad grade east and west of the visitor center during dry weather periods when the roadways are open to the public.
  • At Fossil Butte National Monument – Horses are allowed on a trail designated on the map available from the park visitor center.
Limitations on stock use are required to protect native vegetation and minimize the introduction of exotic invasive plants.36 CFR 2.16(b) –CONDITIONS
  • No feed for stock animals shall be provided in the parks.
  • No grazing of stock animals in the parks.
  • Use of horses and pack animals is limited to the period between sunrise and sunset
  • Tethering of stock to any feature, vegetation or soil is prohibited.
  • Horse and pack animal use in any part of the park may be prohibited when; at the discretion of the Superintendent such action is necessary to protect park resources, values or visitors.

Limitations on stock use are required to protect native vegetation and minimize the introduction of exotic invasive plants.



  • Wildlife lawfully taken outside the Parks may be transported through the park on roads open to the public under the following conditions:
  • Persons transporting will have a valid State hunting license in their possession.
  • A valid State game tag will be carried by the person accompanying the carcass or attached to the carcass when being transported.
  • Animal carcasses are subject to inspection at any time by an authorized person.
  • Legally taken wildlife will be covered when travelling through park lands.
  • Hunters pursuing injured wildlife into the park must contact the Superintendent and the Utah Department of Natural Resources for Timpanogos Cave and Golden Spike or Wyoming Department of Game and Fish for Fossil Butte prior to entering the monument.

The Parks are closed to all hunting activities and must ensure wildlife is not taken within their boundaries.



  • Smoking, the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping is prohibited in all buildings and facilities, as well as within 25 feet of a building entrance.

Smoking is prohibited to protect public health, structures and resources from fire danger or smoke, and minimize conflicts among visitor use activities.



  • The possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage and/or bottle, can, other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage that is open, is prohibited in all buildings.

The consumption of an alcoholic beverage or the possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage would be inappropriate considering the historic, Natural and cultural significance and sensitivity associated with the parks.



  • The use of artificial light for the purpose of viewing wildlife is prohibited.

The viewing of wildlife at night with the use of artificial light can temporarily blinds animals causing them to become unnatural prey for predators and poachers.



36 CFR 2.51(c)(2) – Designated location.

  • The locations as designated on the maps in Appendix 3 are designated as available for demonstrations. A permit is not required for a demonstration in the designated location if it involves 25 persons or fewer and does not involve structures.

The designated locations are in prominent locations near the park visitor centers that will allow individuals and groups to conduct demonstrations in a manner that will allow for effective communication of speech and other protected activities. At the same time, the designated location leaves ample space for visitors to enter and leave the visitor center safely and for the NPS to conduct administrative activities such as interpretive events.



  • The locations designated in Appendix near the park the visitor centers have been designated as available for the sale or distribution of printed matter, and the free distribution of other message-bearing items. A permit is not required for these activities in the designated location if they involve 25 persons or fewer and do not involve structures.

The designated location is in a prominent location near the visitor center that will allow individuals and groups to conduct demonstrations in a manner that will allow for effective communication of speech and other protected activities. At the same time, the designated location leaves ample space for visitors to enter and leave the visitor center safely and for the NPS to conduct administrative activities such as interpretive events.


36 CFR 4.21 (b) SPEED LIMITS

  • At Golden Spike National Historical Park
    • 15 mph on all park dirt roads.
    • 25 mph on Golden Spike Drive 100 yards north of the railroad crossing to the transition to dirt road past the visitor center.
  • At Fossil Butte National Monument
    • 30 mph on the paved road (Chicken Creek Road) running from the main park entrance to ¼ mile below the Visitor Center.
    • 20 mph on the approach to the curve before the visitor center, ¼ mile from Visitor Center.
    • 25 mph on the paved road (Scenic Road) leading from the visitor center north to the end of the pavement.
    • 20 mph on the unpaved Scenic Road leading from the Nature Trail to the north exits onto Bureau of Land Management Lands.

Speed restrictions are placed to reduce vehicle accidents on narrow roadways, protect wildlife and other natural resources.


36 CFR 4.30 – BICYCLES.

36 CFR 4.30(i) – Electric bicycles.

Class 1 and Class 2 electric bicycles are allowed in the following locations where traditional bicycles also are allowed:

  • Park roads and parking areas.

Allowing electric bicycles on roads and parking areas will not create new, adverse impacts to resources or visitors because those locations are already used by motor vehicles and traditional bicycles. Electric bicycles provide a recreational opportunity for visitors who want to ride a bicycle but might not otherwise because of physical fitness, age, or convenience, especially at high altitudes and on terrain with changing elevations. Class 3 electric bicycles, which allow the motor to assist pedaling up to 28 mph, would create unacceptable risks to visitor safety on roads and parking areas in the park due to potential conflicts with heavier and faster motor vehicles, and with other electric bicycles and traditional bicycles, which travel at slower speeds. Accidents that occur at higher speeds increase the risk of serious injury or death.



Areas outlined in red are designated as available for demonstrations and the sale or distribution of printed matter, and the free distribution of other message-bearing items.

Aerial photo of building with area to the front left and another area to the right circled in red.
Golden Spike NHP
Aerial photo of a building and parking lot. An area to the left of the building and down to the left in a concrete area are circled in red.
Timpanogos Cave NM
An aerial photo of a building and parking lot. An area to the top right of the building and an area near the parking lot are circled red.
Fossil Butte NM

Last updated: July 29, 2024

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