Climate Change and Natural Resources

Fort McHenry Welcome sign next to blossoming trees
Blossoming trees next to the Fort McHenry park sign

Tim Ervin

Natural Resources

While better known for its historical significance, Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is also home to many different species of wildlife and plants. There are many opportunities available to visitors to see and learn more about the diverse natural community within the park.

As you explore the park and take in the natural resources all around you, please be mindful of the following federal laws and regulations put in place to protect the resources:

  • Tree climbing is prohibited. In addition, visitors may not hang hammocks from any trees within the park.
  • Using or possessing wood gathered from within the park is prohibited.
  • Possessing or using a mineral or metal detector, magnetometer, side scan sonar, or other metal detecting devises, or sub-bottom profiler is prohibited.
  • The taking of wildlife, hunting and trapping, and transportation of wildlife through the park is prohited. Fishing is not allowed within the boundaries of the park.
  • Harassing the wildlife is prohibited.

Read more about laws and policies at the park

Fort McHenry Wetlands
Climate Change

The Baltimore Harbor landscape of today is very different from that of 1812, The Civil War, or even World War I.

Boat with trash washed ashore
Sea Level Rise at Fort McHenry

If you enjoy Fort McHenry here are some ways to learn to preserve the park around you!

Group of trees at Fort McHenry

Fort McHenry provides a green space in Baltimore City for all to enjoy.

Two Mallard Ducks on the Seawall

While known for its history, Fort McHenry houses a wide variety of wildlife!

Wetlands of Fort McHenry

Fort McHenry collaborates with The National Aquarium to bring the wetland trail to you!

Last updated: June 27, 2024

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Mailing Address:

2400 East Fort Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21230


410 962-4290 x250

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